Pain and anxiety

For pain, my doctor told me that I could take only Tylenol.

I have no idea about anxiety. You'd probably want to give your doc's office a call. If you're having anxiety, they may be concered about other factors too.
I too remember tylenol being ok when pregnant. Most doctors have a list they can give on safe medications.

If you are anxious to the point of considering meds, as a therapist, I recommend some counseling to help you with some coping strategies. If the anxiety is still high, your doctor can offer you some meds that are safe. I am not sure which anxiety meds are safe during pregnancy but do believe they are always cautious about antanxiety meds/antidepressants with a pregnant patient.
Uggh, db5. I can relate 100%. I don't know how far along you are.
But I noticed both times heavy duty anxiety during my first and
last trimester. There was an almost tranquil few months while
in the middle(second trimester.) It was unbearable near the end
so much so a feeling of doom and gloom hit me while food shopping, etc. I too remember asking," What can I do about this?" I assumed
it was hormomes but then thought well I have always been an anxious
person. I took nothing for the anxiety. I wish there was something
to safely take. I did have insomnia so badly during the end with
both babies I was given ambien. It didn't work!! Maybe yoga, deep
breating..?? Also try your best not to let your mind wander.
Stay with relaxed thoughts(easier said than done.) You will have
your baby soon! If it continues at least you have options if you
choose to breastfeed then you are limited?? I would imagine.
Stay calm, rested....
I wish you all the best!

Jennifer Claire 12/24/05
Taylor Elizabeth 08/22/07
Tylenol is safe and ibuprofen is not. I haven't heard about aspirin, my doctor just always mentioned Tylenol.

I don't know about antianxiety medication. Are you sleeping at night? My doctor told me I could take Benadryl to help me sleep and it really does help, but you would want to talk to your doctor about that first. Have you talked to your doctor about anxiety?

Good luck,

I would second Shopaholic's recommendation and see a therapist. I too had bad anxiety during my depression coupled with some very upsetting events in my life. as a result, I went right into postpartum depression afer I gave birth. By the third week of almost no sleep from insomnia and extreme anxiety, my husband helped me seek help. Some of it was unavoidable. Some of it I am sure was hormonal. But, I could have learned coping techniques (like rationalization) before the birth, but I didn't think I was that bad. In hindsight, I was. I think you would want to do everything you can to make this better for yourself now. It was so much harder to "get well" after the birth and take care of myself plus a baby. If you can, get help from a therapist and maybe a doctor now.

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