Paging SRP, My2girls, NinjaMom, & ShyWolf!!!!!

Miss Lee

Hi there!! :D

I just wanted to let you know that our friend, Tanya, from the CC forum was asking about you guys! We're friends on Face Book so I'm still in touch with her on a regular basis, and she wants you to know that she was thinking about you and wondering how you are.

Tanya is doing well. She still isn't 100% but she's able to do some exercise now, and even plans to join us for the next PP Saturday!!! :D :D :D She won't be able to do the whole workout but I'm just so darned excited that she'll be in there with us.

If you want, you can post a message in this thread and I'll send her the link.

I miss you guys, too :(. It seems like forever since we yakked!! I hope all is well with you and yours, and I'll see you in the workout! :D
I am glad Tanya is well, I have been thinking about her! I hope her Mom is doing better now too. I am so glad she'll be joining us for PP Saturday!!!

If she sees this, Hi Tanya!!! :D:D:D I hope you don't mind that I butted in here!
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I am glad Tanya is well, I have been thinking about her! I hope her Mom is doing better now too. I am so glad she'll be joining us for PP Saturday!!!

If she sees this, Hi Tanya!!! :D:D:D
Carola, you should add her as a friend on FB!! I'm sure she'd be thrilled to hear from you, too!! I'll send a friend recommendation to you guys. ;)
OH Michele!! Thank you for letting me know. I considered getting a FB account when Sean opened his but when I mentioned it to my kids, I was met with this look of horror!:confused: My DD teased me that she WOULDN'T be MY FRIEND:( LOL!

Hey Tanya!!

I was so sad when the CC forum was taken down. I have missed checking in with you and have been wondering how you are. I'm glad to hear you have been able to exercise now and look forward to doing CCPP with you at the end of the month. I used to brag that I had a friend from "down-under" who was personally named in the workout ;) Maybe we can convince you to open an account here on Cathe's forum so we can discuss our PP results and any thing else that strikes us. Take care......I'll see ya in the workout!

Judi AKA: NinjaMom
Thanks Michele!

After the CC forums were taken down I thought about getting Tanya to just come over to and post, so we could keep in touch!!! I see I wasn't the only one thinking that ;)


I really miss checking in with you and finding out how life in Australia is ;) I am super excited that you will be joining us for CCPP. I always think of you during CCPP when Coach Sean mentions your name -- I hope you can feel my best wishes for you! Please (at least) check in with us here at Cathe for the CCPP... perty please! I am so happy that you are continuing to heal and will be checking for your CCPP results. Have a great day Tanya!! :):)
Judi, if you sign up for a FB account I'll be your friend!! :D

AWWWWWW.....Thank you!! :D:D:D:D:D

The only problem is I hardly get anything done NOW with just THIS forum. If I add another one, my family might starve, my house would never be clean, laundry would pile up to the ceilings, the dog would poop on the carpet cuz I forget to let him out, the frig. and cupboards would be bare, bill would go unpaid........... It is endless!:eek:
If I add another one, my family might starve, my house would never be clean, laundry would pile up to the ceilings, the dog would poop on the carpet cuz I forget to let him out, the frig. and cupboards would be bare, bill would go unpaid........... It is endless!:eek:

Are you talking about my house? :p:D:D:D:D
The only problem is I hardly get anything done NOW with just THIS forum. If I add another one, my family might starve, my house would never be clean, laundry would pile up to the ceilings, the dog would poop on the carpet cuz I forget to let him out, the frig. and cupboards would be bare, bill would go unpaid........... It is endless!:eek:

Ha, ha that is what would happen at my house too (expect no dog poop, just cats' !!)
You guys are killing me here!!!
So sweet

Awwww you gals are SO sweet and I have been missing you all so much. It feels like ages since we chatted together (actually I have no idea how long it's been). You have all convinced me to join Cathe's forum (and yes I do have quite a few Cathe dvds too which I pull out from time to time). Nice to seem I can keep my same user name here.

I seem to spend so much time on forums at the moment and msn... I didn't realise how much until my computer died a couple weeks ago :(:confused: But it's all fixed again now and it works better than before.

I hope you guys are all going well! Especially you Carola. I hope your health is improving.

I'd love to know what you glas have all been up to! Hugs to everyone.
Tanya! It's so good to see you! I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were. So, what's up? Michele says you're not at 100% yet, but doing fairly well? I hope so!

Michele - thanks a BUNCH for posting this thread! I tried to reply yesterday, but I lost my post and had to go.


So glad we convinced you to sign up here. How have you been the past few months? I was happy to hear you have been able to workout some. I hope that means your foot condition has improved greatly. How is your mum doing?

Not much new with me. I just finished the STS program and am taking a week of recovery. Not sure what I'll do next but would like to get back to kettlebells for awhile. Have you given them a try yet?

Sending you hugs and looking forward to chatting again.:D
Yay!!!! She is here!!!! :D:D:D:D:D

I am doing great! Thanks for asking. I never did chemo and radiation and instead went with a naturopathic oncologist and am still in treatment with him. I totally changed my diet which was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I am still a CC addict and my running is going really good. I was never able to run long distance before but I am now up to 10 miles with only a couple of walking breaks (I can't drink water and run with my dogs at the same time without embarrasing myself :eek:). I don't remember the last time I felt this good! Oh, and I dropped 97 lbs since last July :) Thank you Coach Sean and Cathe :D I am on the last week of my Slow and Heavy rotation and really liked it, especially the results.

How is your Mom doing? What about your foot? It sounds like it's improving and I am so glad to hear that. It sure was a long journey though!

I don't know, are we going to do a special check-in on the check-in forum? I really miss the CC forum! It was such a fun place.
Hurray! Woo Hoo! :D

Welcome to Cathe Land Tanya!!! And you do have Cathe dvds -- that is awesome! It has been a loooong time since the CC forums were up. We do have quite a few questions and discussions here at Cathe on Coach Sean and his awesome workouts. He has quite a following here. I guess those in the know, love CC and Cathe!! :D

I will keep my eyes open for your posts Tanya and would also like to know how your mom is doing?!?!?

Have a great day!
Oh you guys are so sweet... (I seem to keep saying that lately).

In some ways I am doing a LOT better. At least in terms of being able to run and play badminton again. I'm gradually building up my running. I can only do intervals for about 30 mins. I'm meant to be doing 90 seconds running and 60 recovery (at least that's the program my physio and I made) but I just can't resist doing CC instead...:eek: I've done vol 1 and 2 so far and did a teeny bit of PP at the end of last month.

I'm still working part time. My pain levels haven't changed much at all. And working (or the sitting at work) just flares the pain... I'm managing 22 hours a week at the moment.

I've already been back in hospital once this year... for a different treatment. An epidural/cortisone injection into my spine. They think the prolapsed disc (which I never knew I had til an MRI showed it recently) is making the pain in my feet worse... The injection might have helped for a few weeks and that's it. I can't believe I've now had this ankle pain and stuff for two years... It feels never ending. I'm seeing a plastic surgeon next week to investigate another treatment option.

My mum's doing a lot better now, although she is still in some pain, just not as bad. She's seeing her gastroenterologist tomorrow. Her test results from her breast surgery came back abnormal but benign (phew) so no further treatment is needed except yearly mammograms. Thanks everyone for asking about her.

Carola OMG!!!! That is an awesome amount of weight to lose. CONGRATS. I am glad to hear you are doing better.

Shannon how are your feet going? I hope those corns are long gone!

Hi Mary. How are you going? Has your daughter's hair completely grown over now?

Hi Judi! I'm impressed you have done all the STS stuff. That's great.

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