Paging Leela!


Hey Leela, how are you doing? I know we're both right about the same length along and was wondering how you're doing? I'm right at 14 weeks and FINALLY feeling like working out again. I've managed some light workouts - but I never lost all the weight the first time around so I'm finding I'm out of breath a lot quicker. Hope everything is going well for you. Take care, Sue
Responding to Page!!!!


I've been away from the forum a while due to not feeling so hot (being pregnant :)), and massive deadline crunch at work (made it!).

But thanks for the page, and I'm really happy to hear you were feeling like working out again at 14 weeks!

I'm 17.5 weeks now, and I feel really great, but because I just finished making that deadline, I haven't had the time or energy! My 2 year old daughter is very clingy these days (which I guess is normal for a 2yo), so my at home time is spent with her until she goes to bed (at which point I collapse too)

Happily, I lost a bunch of weight that i'd been lugging around since even before my daughter was conceived :) - because my pregnancy forced me to eat healthy (I lost all desire to eat chocolate and other junk foods and instead, craved fruit).

How are you doing right now? Are you still manageing a few workouts a week? What kind are you doing? I intend to start this week, but I'm kind of at a loss - it has been 3 months since I last worked out.

Thanks again for the page - that was really sweet of you!

RE: I'm not Leela

Thank you Lynn! Even my VF posting has been so sporadic.

Part of making fitness a priority though for me, is to stay in touch with these two boards!

RE: Responding to Page!!!!

Unfortunately I'm back in a slump. I'm fighting a nasty cold (so bad I broke down and took some Sudafed). I'm starting to feel a little better, but not much. I know with the time change this weekend it's going to confuse my aching body even more, so hopefully sometime next week I'll feel like working out again. I am carrying around extra weight as well, I think that's one of the reasons this pregnancy isn't as smooth as the first. Hopefully I'll feel better soon! Take care, Sue
RE: Responding to Page!!!!

I am really sorry you don't feel well. I hope you feel better soon, but you are doing right by yourself in taking some time to recuperate.

Luckily I haven't been as sick this year as last. Last year my daughter was sick every WEEK since she started daycare last year in feb. This led to MY getting sick every other week. This year, I had the stomach flu in my first trimester (not fun), and that has been it!

Feel better! Today I've taken the day off and i'm at home spring cleaning. That should be a good energizer and a feel-good thing to get done!


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