P90X TGIF Check In


Hey all! And welcome Janet! Sounds like you are Bringing it, all right! With the bands, I find I have to really scoot back and get as much resistance as possible at of them. I also sometimes ignore Tony's counts and just continue until I can't do any more. These are chaptered so you can easily hit the back button and get where you need to be. I love Chest and Back - and you're right - it's killer - I have great difficulty with Tricep pushups - even from my knees. *shrugs* Something to work on!

I ended up doing the same thing our friend Amy did - skipped Kenpo X today because my glutes, hams and quads are moaning and groaning today thanks to Legs and Back. I have not had DOMS like this in my legs for a while (even with GS Legs and Leaner Legs!). So I am quite happy. I'll either go for a run over lunch, or take today as a rest day and do Kenpo X tomorrow along with a step workout.

How's everyone doing today? I'm SOOO happy it's Friday. My job is depressing now that we know we're not going to hang around (my position is being eliminated on July 7th - which is great for me - more work out time! But some of the girls really need the income).
Good morning everybody. I had a long hard day at work yesterday, so forgot to post. I ended up doing bootcamp yesterday, and I was really sore during the workout. P90 is kickin my booty!

Christine-I didn't find the leg workout very challenging...until I had major DOMS two days later. My legs are still sore and I did L&G on Tuesday.

Today I plan to do chest and back and some cardio; either a short run or some cardio X.

Carole you are out of control!(in a good way, of course!) When's your first race? Someday I hope to be able to run like that.

Have a great friday everyone:)
Hey all!!

Happy Friday!!! This morning I did Legs and Back - so I know I will be sore later and tomorrow. I also did Ab Ripper X - even though I was totally planning on skipping it - until I left the DVD playing and it came on (since it is on that DVD as well) so I did it too! :)

I am doing the doubles - so in an hour or so I will do some cardio - probably Turbo Jam.

I am planning on KenpoX tomorrow - so walking tomorrow afternoon will be fun - as long as I stay away from the stairs - it will be all good - hehe...

Loving the X - and just finishing up my 6th week!!! :)
Welcome Janet!!

Christine, Legs & Back is quite a killer workout. I do remember the glute pain! I just do a back workout on that day as I have modified my rotation a bit as you know. You have more workout time?..oh no...watchout!!!

Krystal, glad to hear P90X is working for you! I kinda like "out of control"....I have been called a few things but that one is cute...:) My 50K is July 15th in Ashland, Oregon at the skipark, all on trails. If you are persistant with running and like distance, once you train your body you can run about anything.

Way to go Anne on your 6th week of Doubles...:)

Today was a short workout for me as I work early on fridays. I did PUB Back and Shoulders (love working shoulders!) and a 4 mile run...
You're inspiring me Carole - maybe I'll take that extra workout time and train for a 1/2 marathon. A nice run in the morning in the summer followed by a good weight workout in the afternoons! YEAH! By the time I'm off, I'll be finished with my first P90X rotation and can take what I learned and modify it!

I was just thinking - I can even trail run as I'll have much more time. Oh now I'm excited. I love trail running - but road running I find BORING!

Anne - every time I get up suddenly and my glutes protest I think of Cathe in Muscle Endurance when she said, "But it's a FRIENDLY burn." Specifically I think, "Friendly burn my a$$". *grins* You're doing fabulous! Keep up the wonderful work!
Ok crew, I've not been checking in with you, though perhaps I should. I'm just finishing week 7. Today was legs and back (and I'm with you all I LOVE this workout!!)and ab ripper X. But I wanted to test my endurance since I've really been focusing on Tony's program for the last almost 2 months. So for my 2nd w/o I did IMAX 2 and a 3-mile run. To my amazement I didn't miss a beat. I'm on for a kickbox tomorrow but my 7-y.o. DD is marching in a parade so tomorrow may be my rest day instead.

I love it that you all are doing this check-in. I got P90X based on the rave reviews that Carole gave it, because -- she's like -- my idol! (Thank you Carole!) I'm actually checking in over at the TLT website, but just had to chime in here. Great job ladies - keep it up!!

Hi All..
Yesterday I did shoulders and arms. I really like that he breaks up the body parts. I don't seem to fatigue as fast. Today was supposed to be Yoga, but I didn't get home until after 8pm tonight from work, and I just really wanted to shower, eat, and relax (not that yoga isn't relaxing!) So, instead, I'm chilling out! YES...TGIF!!!
Tomorrow will be legs & Back! Hoping to get a run in too or some sort of cardio.
I really like chest and back. I was sore 2 days after! Christine - I also have a difficult time with tricep pushups! I do them on my knees too. It's an akward position.
Plyo. was neat...it reminded me of my old soccer practices from college! My legs were abit tired the next day. I feel I'm breathing heavier in the Imax's though. I think next week, I might trade it for Imax 2 or 3.

Hope you all have a great weekend
Thanks for all the inspiration;-)
Thank you for the welcome! I am ready for Plyo tomorrow, but currently don't own that one. I will do my own interpretation of the exercise descriptions. I hope I can figure it out! If not, I am sure I could pull out an Imax blast from my Cathe collection. I also will be teaching swim lessons for 3 hours ( I know that sounds crazy, but it is very doable), so I will probably need a nap tomorrow afternoon!

Christine, sounds like you really felt legs and back. I am looking forward to the burn! I also heard it was easier than some of Cathe's leg workouts, so we will see! I do believe it is what you put into it, so you must have brought it! I am sorry to hear about your job. That is a bummer. It is tough to work in an enviornment where everyone knows they are on their way out. No one is motivated. Hope things perk up!

Krystal - I also did Chest and Back today. Great workout, huh? My first time, and I know I am feeling the burn!

Anne - Legs & Back plus another cardio for you. You are a workout machine today!

Carole - I also love to work shoulders! I cannot believe you are going to run a 50K! That is unbelievable! I have never really enjoyed running, but have done a 10K or 2. Maybe trail running is more fun? Thank you for the inspiration!

Lorrie - Glad you checked in! Sounds like you had a great workout today. Are you seeing any results yet on week 7? I am glad you are loving the X.

Happy Friday evening to everyone! I won't be checking in until the afternoon on Saturday, after swimminggggggggggggggggggggg!!
Welcome Janet!

Today was my second time through Chest and Back; I guess that means I've officially finished my first week! Huh. Haven't noticed...:7

I *have* noticed that my muscles are all a little sore!!! In a good way, of course. I swear I can still feel Legs and Back! Today I did Chest and Back, I still have a very long way to go on all those pushups. Wah.

Oh well, the only way to get better is just to keep going, I guess! I also need to spend some time trying to strengthen my left shoulder- it's not carrying the load it should, and I'm beginning to worry a bit about it. Sigh. I'll ease up a little bit at some point, LOL.

I did feel like I was cheating by not doing my best to "bring it" today... my platelet donation yesterday has left me a little drained this morning for the pushup bonanza. ;)

I also went this afternoon and did a 5 mile hilly loop with my mom. We did the whole thing in 90 minutes, which isn't bad for the course. Definitely not an Imax, but not sitting around eating potato chips, either! }(

Tomorrow is Plyo X... and a run... so we'll see how I manage that. I can't wait until I get to do Legs and Back again!! }( Happy Friday everyone!!!
Christine....trail running is quite fun. I am fortunate as we have 2 nice lakes here with lots of trails! I think a half marathon would be great for you...:)

Thanks Lorrie...:)...are you doing the TLT's too?....I just got all 4 and have only done SIM but I am planning on BBBB tomorrow...way to go on 7 weeks of P90X!! You did Imax2 and a 3 mile run???....WOW!!!!

Janet...you could sub any of the Imaxes for PlyoX I'd think. Yes, I have found trails more fun than pavement. Lots easier on my body as I get older too...:)

Amy...push-ups are always tough. My 1st rotation I did most on my toes but nowadays....on my knees!! I do believe pull-ups are about the best thing for your upper body but they are WAY hard to do! Congrats on your 1st week...:)...PlyoX and a run??? P90X is making you girls down right tough!!!

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