>Hey All! Today was my first time with Chest, Shoulders and
>Triceps. WOW! Love this workout.
This is my FAVORITE P90X workout! It seems to go by so quickly: no dread factor at all, but very effective. It even makes me dread chest/back less (since they are paired during the week).
Carole, I know what you mean about the chin-up/pull-up dread! I'm doing a chin-up challenge (goal of being able to do 5 real chin-ups from a dead hang by end of summer...hoping the summer is very long!) but I still have to use assists on all the P90X chins/pull-ups. I'm nowhere near the 30 reps or so they are doing, and could let it discourage me, but I just keep trying and doing my lame version of what they are doing. (I keep telling myself that most people...women AND men...can't even do one pull-up).
Sunday was Chest/Back, and this time I did the whole workout, follwed by Mindy's stability ball section of " All About Abs" (I really like these as add-on workouts! And I'm less apt to skip them than I was with "Ab Skipper" !)
Yesterday, I took it easy, and instead of my interval/plyo cardio (which I will do today), I did 7 sets of " cat squats," holding various cats with each set (Scooter got 3 sets, because he seemed to think it was fun, and everybody else got 1 set...even though Simon seemed to like it as well!)