p90x lovers...please reassure me!


I finally caved and purchased p90x. After hearing all the gushing hoopla about it from Cathe fans, I just had to give it a try. But now that I spent a small fortune on it, I'm having a bout of buyers remorse and fear that I won't like it. Did I make the right choice?

I remember buying the Slim Series after all the positive reviews, but I ended up sending it back because I hated it. I swore up and down right then and there that I would never buy any workouts that weren't from Cathe.

Please, please...give me some positive feedback that will make me feel like I made the right choice. Please...give me your results, your experiences...anything that will calm me down until I get these dvd's and can decide for myself.

Thanks gang!
First, you can either return it or sell it without any problems at all. Second, P90X and SS is like night and day. The two series are so different. :)

These workouts are so different from any other workouts on the market today, especially the strength workouts. They will definitely challenge you and kick your fitness level up a notch or two.
You will like it. Don't worry. If not, they are worth a fortune on Ebay sold seperately.:)The biggest drawback is that they can be so humbling. You will feel like a pathetic loser at first, but remember, there is only good to come of it!!:)

Okay, I just received my P90X package yesterday, read all the materials and previewed 2 of the workouts...I don't believe you'll be sorry. It doesn't compare in any way to anyone I've ever worked out to before. I'll still do my Cathe workouts when I'm done with this 90 days; I actually think the two styles will compliment each other very well, but they are completely different. It is going to be challenging, but you do what is challenging for YOU not someone else. I'm excited to begin! :)
>How much did this package cost you?

I paid full price and it came to $185.50 with tax and shipping. There are 12 workouts, a VERY comprehensive nutrition plan (nicely presented in a binder) and a fitness guide (also nicely presented in a binder). It even has worksheets for you to record your progress.
Over the years, I have tried, and also been disappointed, by various instructors and have always returned to Cathe.

P90X is the first time I have loved something as much (but in a different way) than Cathe! I love being challenged to do the pullups! I use the chair assist with one foot, and believe you me, you still feel it plenty! I also can now do all my pushups on my toes. (Props to Cathe for getting me there!) (And believe you me, in P90X there are tons of push-ups. But you get used to them and they aren't so hard anymore. Oh, except for those under the fence ones :eek: )

Ab Ripper X and Core Synergistics are worth the price alone, IMHO! You won't be sorry!
Like most all of the posters the main reason P90X is so good is because it is different. Some of the exercises I have never seen and I've been lifting for about 20 years. When exercises are different than what you have been doing it confuses the muscle therefore you get results. I am only on my second week but I look so forward to the workouts, even those pull-ups! The AB Ripper is wonderful. So far there is always someone modifying the workouts so they aren't as intense as what Tony does. I have lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks, but I have also cleaned up my diet major, and I also run 3 days a week with P90X. I don't think you will regret it at all....:)....Carole
Mindi...I know most of it is water but I want to loose about 8 more....I have been so bad at eating in the last year. And with the clean eating and P90X and of course some Cathe's. I am feeling much better...:)...Carole
Ut oh-
Now I'm nervous - I purchased Slim Series and am still waiting for it to come in the mail! What didn't you like about it?
This has been a helpful thread.

Can you purchase pieces of the P90x, or is the idea to buy the whole plan and just do it from head to toe? I'm not crazy about having to purchase a lot of equipment (ie: pull-up bar). The ab ripper, plyometrics and yoga sound fantastic. Is the yoga an ashtanga style? I don't know a lot about this series, but I'm curious because everyone is raving so much about it.

What do you recommend I do if I just want to lose about 5-8 more pounds?

I bought the Slim Series after reading the rave reviews and I I just didn't like them. I really think it's just a personal preference. Maybe you'll love 'em...loads of people do. I'm just not one of them.

The Slim Series produce great results..no disputing that fact. Yet I honestly couldn't imagine chosing to do one of the Slim tapes over a Cathe tape. Debbie, while I'm sure a lovely gal, just doesn't have the same "juice" that Cathe does. I don't connect with her in the same way and I wasn't having fun.

Just one small example of things that annoyed me...there was a section of lunges that she was doing in "Tone it Up" and just when you really need the push of motivation from an instructor, she stops working out to go check on other people's form. Um, hello how about pushing through these WITH me? When she comes back, she finishes the set on the wrong leg. That's just very frustrating for me.

The music is not my taste. Yes, there is the option to turn it off, but c'mon...don't you deserve a great, motivating soundtrack and a routine that actually GOES with the music. Like in L&G's where Cathe's got "Band of Gold" kicking through those leg presses or "I Can't Live" during the chest/tricep work of SJP..I LOVE stuff like that.

IMHO, putting the Slim Series next to any Cathe workout is like comparing a cold hot dog to filet mignon done to perfection. Sure, they'll both fill your belly, but one definitely tastes better going down!
>This has been a helpful thread.
>Can you purchase pieces of the P90x, or is the idea to buy the
>whole plan and just do it from head to toe? I'm not crazy
>about having to purchase a lot of equipment (ie: pull-up bar).
>The ab ripper, plyometrics and yoga sound fantastic. Is the
>yoga an ashtanga style? I don't know a lot about this series,
>but I'm curious because everyone is raving so much about it.
>What do you recommend I do if I just want to lose about 5-8
>more pounds?

I don't believe you can buy them separately at this time from Beachbody, but I'm sure you can on eBay or in swaps. They have people in the vids using exercise bands for the pull-up/chin-ups. And if you have hard floors you might want some extra "padding" (as in a mat) for the plyo workout.
About Slim Series: I get the impression that it is set up to get quick results, but they may not be long-lasting (you can't sustain the SS rotation for long without overuse), which P90X is setting you up for long-term, permanent changes.

About buying/using only part of the P90X workouts: One of the many great things about P90X is the way everything fits together. When you take the workouts separately (especially the "cardio" workouts), they may not seem intense enough or be as effective. There's definitely a synergistic thing going on here.
Do any of you have the Door Gym with the Ab Loops that hang down and you put your arms through them? How does that work? Seems like my arms would fall asleep in .2 seconds! Alexis
Alexis - I bought that Door Gym and the Ab Loops, but probably won't end up using either one (well except for periodically to check my progress). The only doorway I can use it in is upstairs, but the only TV I have is downstairs...as many times as they have you using it, I am NOT going to want to run upstairs every time, so I'm going to use one of my bands and loop it around my staircase spindles (they are very sturdy). I can say that it looks like it will be VERY ackward to get into the ab loop things...they are just big loops that slide over the bars on the door gym...to get into them you'd have to be up on a chair.

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