P90X equipment/time

How long did it take you guys to get your DVD's and what is the first set of equipment that you must have in order to get started? Thanks
I think it took about 7-8 days to get my p90x package. I just finished my first week. This series is a roaring results monster.

Here is what I think would really enhance your experience of p90x.

Pull up bar with chair set up. I truly think you would cheat yourself out of some of the results of this program without it. Yes, you could do one-arm rows or pull overs, but pull ups have you feeling it EVERYWHERE. My entire arm area, lats, center back, lower back are WORKING and I can't even do one. The trick is to push yourself up lightly with the chair and resist the negative on your way down. OUCH!

Yoga mat. I bought a sticky mat and cannot believe I ever attempted yoga without one. It made all the difference in the world not to worry about my feet and hands slipping around.

Assorted (and heavy) dumbells (or bands) - I am surprised at how heavy I am able to lift with this series. My 20's and 15's are getting used more than ever.

Plyo mat - It's not a necessity, but boy does it help the impact stuff feel better.

Otherwise, water, towel and a hardcore I-can-do-it attitude. Good luck.

And...I have to said it again..."p90x type" training with Cathe's personality, her special touches and better music = RESULT CITY! I want a ticket to ride that rollercoaster. Can we start to beg her yet or is it too soon after her last round.
I just responded to the other p90x thread about my results. I know it's only the first week, but I can't believe the difference in my body. My butt feels so much tighter and my upper body is looking more tone and defined. Sounds like a miracle...but it's just the X.
Mine took about a week to arrive. As far as equipment, I would definitly say a pull up bar. I got the door gym off of eBay for 30.00 and it is great. Simple to assemble, and so easy to take on and off the door. Two seconds max! Very stable too. I did buy the bands but have not used them since getting the door gym. I mainly got the bands for any time I travel. Much easier to pack than a ton of weights.

Having said that, I am such a wimp!! I had been doing the program with weights and the bands in the door and feeling really good. Plenty of reps etc. I get the door gym and cannot do a single pull up!! Talk about defeated! I felt like in school when you had to do those Presidential Fitness tests, and I would have to do a timed hang because I could not do the pull ups.

Now I could really feel like a loser, and probably should:) , but instead I feel challenged. I really want to get to 5 at this point. Someday I would like to think I could do 15. All this goes a long way to say that I have learned there is not a good substitute for doing a pull up than an old fashioned bar of some sort, and this would get my vote for a must have item.
what about that pull-up tower they have at sport chalet and the like? it lets you do the leg lifts.

has anyone gotten one and like how it works?

I swear, every time you guys start talking about how much you like this program i get so excited. i think it sounds like the perfect solution for my body type.

Thanks for all the responses guys. At first I didn't think I would get any. I'm going to try and order my DVD's this week. Now I know what else is going to help this to work for me. Thanks alot. I hope I see results in just a week, you guys almost sound like an infomercial. How are the core exercises in this series? Cathe's are really good.
To start out, I didn't have a pull-up bar, bands or a Power Tower, so I did heavy 1-arm rows and pullovers instead of the pull-ups. Then I got the bands and did pulldowns with those. Now I have a Power Tower and feel like a wimp because I can't do even one unassisted pull-up (and I was feeling pretty "macha" about my 35# one-arm rows and pullovers). Just a long way of saying that there are several ways you can do the back work, and you don't *need* a pull=up bar right away. I still do 1/2 of my back work with the bands (I got the "Men's extreme" set and am now using the blue band..second from heaviest).

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