P90X Daily Check In for Monday May 23rd, 2005


Hello out there!!

Hey everyone!!!

I thought I would start a daily check in for P90X today.. I am just coming off my recovery week, so I will be kicking it to the hardcore this week.

This am:
P90X: Chest and Back and AB Ripper X.
This afternoon:
45 minute run outside...maybe a few HIIT intervals..Maybe..lol

I hope everyone has a great workout today!!

Hi There, I am starting week three of P90X I am doing the classic, and this morning I did chest, back and the ab ripper. No time for more today, busy day at work.
Tomorrow is Plyo X
Hi everyone!

I am doing week 2 of the classic rotation and I did chest, back and ab ripper today. Tomorrow will be Pylo X - hopefully I can get through it all. I haven't been able to yet. I might do a half hour of Imax 2 if I don't get through with it all. I have 30 lbs to lose and I want it off by August. We are going on a family vacation to Destin, Florida the middle of August so I'm eating clean and doing P90X.

I'm looking forward to checking in daily and hopefully staying movtivated to reach my goals.

Take care - Ann

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