P90X Check in TGIF!


Hey all!

Today is my rest day, so I slept in, and enjoyed it. Tummy isn't too happy today, but it's livable, so I'm okay. I'm sooo happy it's Friday! How are y'all doing?
Hi Christine. Happy rest day. Like yesterday I am still feeling out of sorts today - not under the weather or anything, just a bit off. I wonder if that's my body's way of saying "I want a rest day." So I'm going to play it by ear. The monsters and I have been doing a lot of indoor playing and cleaning since it's cold and rainy here today. But when they go down for a rest, I'm thinking of joining them. We'll see, Enjoy whatever you conquer today ladies!

Yesterday was "legs" day (thought partially "legs and back" because I'm doing a chin-up challenge and attempt them every other day, at least on my other weight days). As planned, I did the first part of PLB plus the stability ball segment of Mindy's All About Legs. I'd planned to do abs a well, but, in the spirit of "Ab Ripper" becomiing "Ab Skipper," I left them out because I'd done enough! I'll get to them today.

I really liked Mindy's workout as an add-on. I really felt it in my glutes when we did a series of 1-legged squats (first set with one leg in front of body on ball, then without touching down, move to second set position with leg out to side---I actually felt my glutes pumping up on that one!---then leg out to back, then staying in the crouched position with the back leg on ball, doing a series of 'in-out' moves. YEOW! I woke up this morning feeling my glutes! This is a VERY good thing (and something that I never got from P90X "Legs and Back."

Today is kickboxing, but I haven't figured out which wokrout to do quite yet. Won't be Kenpo X.
TGIF P90Xers!! Yoga for me tonight. Tom. is Core Syn. & this one looks tough! I can't wait! Hope everyone has great w/outs planned this wkend!

Christine - Glad to hear you took a rest day! Sorry your stomach is not quite right...feeling better?

Lorrie - Sounds like you needed a rest day too! Our bodies are telling us something!

Kathryn - Sounds like a great leg w/out. I was trying to imagine those squats with the ball out in front - what size ball do you use? Can you squat down very far? Sounds tough! What kickboxing did you do today?

Carole - Thank you for the encouragement on the pullups/chinups! I need it!

Happy Xing and Eat Clean@
>Kathryn - Sounds like a great leg w/out. I was trying to
>imagine those squats with the ball out in front - what size
>ball do you use? Can you squat down very far? Sounds tough!
>What kickboxing did you do today?

It's a regular 55 cm. stability ball. I can go to almost parallel.

Friday's kickboxing ended up being a boxing workout (with jump rope and step drill intervals) called "1, 2 punch." It's a pretty good workout,, with some glitches (one move is only done on one side, whereas all the others are done on both sides). It has a fabulous stretch at the end.

Today will be stretch/rest day. I might just do Stretch X (it has those good shoulder and wrist stretches)...or something else!

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