

Today was a real bad day for my diet. A gourmet birthday cake was brought into the office this afternoon AFTER pastries from a morning meeting. Since my lunch was so-so, I overate at dinner - big time! I feel so mad at myself since I did SJP early this morning.

What do you do when you really blow it on your diet? Add an extra workout at night? Just forget about it, try better tomorrow?
Personally I take more of the 'just forget about it, try better tomorrow' attitude but would probably end up adding in a 30 minute brisk walk after dinner for some damage control and morale boosting. I am in this for the long haul, a bad day once in a while doesn't equal a major setback if there is a sincere commitment to be better tomorrow. For me guilting myself and beating myself up makes me feel bad from the inside out which can set me up for eating for all of the wrong reasons. Feel good about having done SJP and doing some pre damage control. I definitely know the frustration of feeling that workouts are just for damage control and try to avoid that as much as possible! HTH:)

Take Care
I agree! Imagine how lousy you would be feeling if it was a not so good choices food day mixed with a no workout day.....Just watch things tomorrow....


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