Out of shape and starting over


I need some motivation! :( Last spring I did the STS all the way through. I was in wonderful shape. But due to experience and I admit, spent the summer eating, drinking, and lounging by the pool. I packed on 15 lbs and am horribly out of shape! I'm now barely getting through Body Fusion & Basic Step! I could cry! I can't ride my big, beautiful horse without stopping every 5 minutes because I'm so tired! (When I can find the time) I really want to get back to looking & feeling good but I feel like I'm starting at the bottom. I'm 55 years old, just retired from teaching for 33 years and I'm having a difficulty finding time for myself because I'm doing everything for everyone that is working. Plus, my husband broke his leg and my 92 year old dad broke his kneecap and so far I've been nothing but a caretaker lately. Is there anyone out there that has fallen from grace? I want to be in shape when my Shock Cardio comes in the mail. Well, I'm off to drag through Body Fusion. Last year at this time, it was the Hardcore series I was going through complete with strength, muscle endurance, & energy. I refuse to buy new clothes for my fat body so I'm down to two outfits. Ugh!

First of all, I fell off the horse a few years ago. I was sidelined due to an injury. Afterwards, I never fully got back into the groove. I would workout for weeks or even a month or two then stop for weeks or a month or two. I was really all over the place. I finally got back on the horse about 9 months ago. Since then I have done a 3-1/2 month rotation of STS and I'm two weeks from completing an Insanity rotation.

You'll get there. The first thing you need to remember is that if you don't take care of yourself, how will you be able to continue to help others. Taking care of yourself first will allow you to take care of others that much better. Why do you think the airlines always tell you that in case of emergency to put on your mask before assisting others. ;)

The second thing to remember is that it's OKAY to say no. The last tip is that you should focus on how much better today's workout is then yesterdays and don't worry about what you were doing last year. It won't happen overnight, but you'll get back there sooner then you think.

Good Luck to You!! You can do it!!

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