Out of commission since November & feeling blah. Help!


From March - October 2003 I lost 20 lbs with the combination of WW and exercise. I have a gym membership and do Cathe videos. Ok, let me back up. I'm a military wife and my DH was away from March - October. He returned late October and a week after we received a call from the realtor who represented the owner of the condo we rented. The owner wants to sell. We had a choice to buy it or find another place in 2 months. We decided not to buy the condo and try to find our own house. Every day after work and sometimes during my work breaks, we were house hunting. The market here is something else - houses selling hours after they go on the market. 10 people bidding on one house. It took up a lot of time and energy and stress. Anyway, in 3 weeks we miraculously found a house :) . Then come December I am sick with the flu on and off for 3 weeks. Then a week later we have settled on the house and begin painting and fixing things up for the next month. Working on the house almost every night. Now we are taking a break from the house and I have gained 5 lbs and eating terribly and haven't worked out for that whole time. ;(

These are not excuses as I have no one to blame except for myself as to why I let myself go for this long. I just need some inspiration to get back into it. I'm scared of how much I lost (aerobically and strength-wise)in this time.

Good news is that we turned an extra bedroom into an exercise room with enough room for equipment and stepping. We put down Pergo flooring which might not be exactly the best, but it's better than exercising on carpet. We just need to get a TV and DVD system in there.

What do you do to get yourself motivated again after a long break? Tips and advise please!
Hello Navywifey,
The best advice I can give is to just take one day at a time. Don't let your past inactivity keep you from working out today. I had to take 6 weeks off last summer because of surgery I had on my right foot. I also did alot of painting and remodeling in November. I did not workout for a couple weeks and didn't take care of myself and ended up sick for a month--lost my voice and felt like death.
But each time I told myself I wasn't going to let the past ruin today. So I got out my Cathe tape and just started at whatever level I could handle. I hate starting over because I know my body will feel it big time. But each day I just tell myself that today I am going to take care of me so I can better take care of my family.
Right now I am dealing with Plantar Facititis(sp?). Both my feet are wrapped in ace bandages. I took the last 2 days off, but today I got out Pyramid Upper Body and just did it. I feel better--both mentally and physically. I am going to have to alternate between upper body workouts and ab workouts until my feet heel. I will try to add some lower body as my body allows. But I am not going to give up.
So just put in a video or DVD right now--today--and do it. When tomorrow comes put in another one. You will get stronger and healthier. The past is over. Let today be the best day you can make it.
Hope I helped.
RE: Out of commission since November & feeling blah. H...

Hello NW,
I've been thinking about how to respond to your post.

First, let me say, considering everything, you have done really really well.

Second, don't be overly concerned about how much 'capacity' you have lost. You will really be amazed at how quickly you regain your former fitness level.

Third, IMHO, try to do something that is FUN to you. One time, after a long hiatus, I started with walking. First very peppy then speed walking then running.

Another time I started back with the most fun workout I owned and I was very gentle with myself. Then I remembered another I had thought of as fun and pretty soon a few weeks had gone by and I was back in it.

And my last suggestion hang around here and the optimism and excitement are contagious.

Take it easy, start light, slow and low. Whenever I skip working out for a stretch of time, I use lower than usual weights when I resume my workouts, and I'm sore afterwards. Don't go for Cathe's intensity right away. As she always says, work at your own pace, it's YOUR workout. I'd go for the simpler versions of her step routines or come up with my own low-impact moves. At least, this is what I do when my knees bother me.:)

On days when I don't feel like working out, I drag myself to my workout area, slip in a DVD and do the warm-up. No ands, ifs or buts. I just do it. Usually, 5 minutes into it I'm raring to go. And I always have fun.:)


you and me both. I've been out of commission even longer than you, am seeing and feeling my 5 pound gain and feeling distinctly blah.

So, here's the deal: I'll motivate you and you motivate me. Deal?
When shall we start?

How does tomorrow, Friday, sound?

I need something to actually push me to the starting line. This is the hardest part, after the first day, I'm sold on it again.

So, my vow is to do Step Heat tomorrow, with some abs work from Ab Hits afterwards. I know it is serious beginning cardio stuff, but I really have been just sitting on my butt for months and so, I have to start slow, plus I'm not in my twenties anymore! But, it's OK, I know I can be back in better shape within two weeks.

Are you game? Email me if you prefer to keep it private

"[email protected]"

I'm reading here too. Wow, NW, sounds like you have really been accomplishing a lot! The new fitness room sounds heavenly.

You are probably working out right now. I'm easing back into it too, after being off a lot over the Christmas vacation (ten days or so) then being sick about a week. Too sick to work out, but well enough to go to work. I needed extra sleep.

Thanks everyone for the motivating hints!

I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't have computer access for a few days and just got your message. I'm emailing you!

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