Our Stray kitty


Here at home we have been playing hide and seek with a stray kitty who has learned to follow my cats in through our kitty door. He has been sleeping in our home for the last month and leaving with our cats each morning.

I finally caught him yesterday and brought him to a vet. He is a 2 year old intact male who tested negative for feline Leukemia and AIDS. My concern was that he wold infect my cats. The vet check him out, vaccinated and de-wormed him. He has some nasty scars and an abscess from a wound which we are treating.

He now has his own collar and magnet to use the kitty door on his own. I expect he prefers to live outside and just comes in to get warm and eat and drink. But at least he is healthy. He will be neutered in two weeks. I have no idea how I will catch him again.

We have yet to name him; he is black and white like a tuxedo. The nominations so far are "Lindy" ( for coach of Buffalo Sabres) and "Taft" (some prep school that DS thinks has good hockey) we need more ideas.

He is gentle and cautious. I am so glad he learned how to sleep inside when the temps were hovering around low single digits.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Oooh, he sounds so cute! Our tuxedo is Boots (short for "Puss n' Boots," since we got him right when Shrek 2 came out). How about something that denotes his hanger-on status?
Hey, Judy. I'm glad I read this update! I was wondering if you were going to keep him or not. As for names, the first to pop into my head was "Tux".


My first thought was Rocky, cuz of his scars and such. I think it's so great of you to take in and care for this stray. I wish more people would care for our four legged friends this way!

Judy already has a Rocky, but that's a great thought! Judy, you are such a sweetheart. How are the other cats doing with him? The usual cat tolerance? I'm sure they've let him know he's not the boss:)

As for names... hmmmmmmmmm.... I'll think on it and let you know if I come up with anything.
My friend adopted two feral kitties and she named them Slice and Dice because every time they came near the house, her dog would bark like crazy and throw herself against the screen as if she was being murdered. :)
That is so wonderful that you rescued the kitty! He sounds very sweet - and your cats and equally sweet to have accepted him!

We rescued a tuxedo cat 17 years ago (at the moment he is curled up on a chair asleeep here in my office). I decided since the looked so formal in his tuxedo that he needed a formal name. So I named him Mr. Cat!!!

He loves his name - we sing the "Mr. Cat" song - which is just singing his name over and over and over!!!!!!!!!!
How about Einstein for figuring out how to get in and out? Someone suggested Mr. Cat, and I also like that b/c it sounds dignified. Or you could call him Mr. Edo (Tux"edo"), which is a bit different.

Whatever you name him, he is certainly a lucky guy to have found you and your family.:) :)

Shelly is right we have Rocky and Apollo brothers form the same litter. They are 99% black. We also have Sidney Crosby ( who shares an exact birthda w/ DS, Nick) a kitten we rescued in December, also 99% black.

Nina and Sam are not convinced with Lindy but older DS is. My vote was for Max for Maxim Affinaginoff. (I have no idea how to spell that)

I'm not again Miroslav Satan either, but MIL would probably have a cow!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
<I'm not again Miroslav Satan either, but MIL would probably have a cow!>
Now that could be fun depending on your view of your MIL. LOL! Perhaps just call him Mr. Hasek in her presence.....
Awww, I'm glad he's healthy - he sounds like a sweetie.

We have a tuxedo kitty and his name is Theodore Tuxtable (like Theodore Huxtable from the Cosby show). :)
glad to hear about the new cat. i hope you can get him to neuter him. i have a tuxedo. when i adopted him, his name was sylvester. named him in honor of my best friend felix (not felix the cat), but somehow everyone ended up calling him bubba. he is up to 18 pounds and the name fits.

keep us posted

We have a tuxedo cat named Romeo...He's long haired and such a handsome guy...

How about Oreo or Othello (sp) because they're both black and white??

MJ in MN
>>>so nice of you to adopt the little guy.
How about the name Puck since you guys seem to like hockey.<<<

Every kid that plays hockey around here has a pet named Puck !

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
I took in a tuxedo cat about 1 1/2 months ago, he had a name-Jay but didn't know it & I wasn't found of it so since I have a cat named Storm I wanted another "s" name, so I call him Sport...like a good sport for putting up with Storm, who is female with an attitude!

My younger sister thought "Mister" would be cute, he has a milk mustache...

You are a kind person for taking him in, too bad not everyone in this world is so kind!
The best cat we've ever owned was a feral cat that showed up half dead in our yard. My DD nursed it back to health, our house became a "pride". The cat would follow people around outside, it hunted and we never had mice, it wouldn't use a litter box so we didn't have to deal with that. It was part Maine Coon and grew to about 20 lbs. He was a beautiful animal.

Now we have two useless cats.

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