Our own members in Collage Video?


I DVD I ordered from Collage came today and low and behold, right there on the back cover is a Cathe forum member... is that KathyH? I've seen that picture here before.

Then I go look in the success story section and hey! there's another one! WD is lookin mighty fine here: http://www.collagevideo.com/cart/default.aspx

What awesome members we have here! Way to go!
Awe, thanks Ducky! :7

I got a Bosu and Bosu DVD with the Collage credit. I love it! Yep, there's been lot's of Cathe, YaYa's, and Videofitness members in the catalog. What an honor to be included in that fabulous group. ;-)

Kathy G
Oh! It was Kathy G. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You look awesome! I perused your pics a while back when you posted as link and recognised the picture. Congrats on getting your pic right there on the cover, but more for you great accomplishments! You look great.
Congratulations, Kathy H. !!

I am a returning member to the Cathe forum. I'm also a Collage junkie. I submitted one to Collge last year. If you check on the same link, I am there, also. I should be the lower right hand corner of the success page.

The best part was getting more videos! The worst is that before picture. I hoped, when I took that, my kids could hide me, but ..
Who sez getting older is a bad thing??

Slow and steady ain't a bad thing!:7

omgosh, you look great too! It's those before pics that make it so great. If we were born to be thin and muscular it wouldn't matter so much. It's the fact that we have the ambition to work for it that counts. Maybe I'll get there someday.
Cee! Great picture - you look awesome! Don't feel bad about the before...it represents the great progress you've made! :) :) :)


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