
Awful indigestion has set in!! Anyone else a fellow sufferer.
I have a gymnast inside me. Man she's a mover and a shaker. I thought I was going to die last night, I was exhausted from all day and then I was up a lot from fire in my throat and my belly couldn't get comfortable;( I took zantac and mylanta, it seems it's that time where everything is temporary!! Anyone use anything that works like a charm???

Mommy to Hannah Lilly born 3/25/05
I have no suggestions but I do feel your pain. I am also suffering from the same problem. I eat tums everyday and it helps somewhat. The good news is it will eventually go away.
i had such a bad episode last week my husband wanted to take me to the hospital. do you ever get so painful you just want to cry? then, my little guy moved or something, b/c i felt relief. the 6 tums i ate did not help! i am reassured to hear you can take zantax though. i was apprehensive to take anything. that is okay though?
Hi fellow sufferers;( Tums doesn't work for me, with Hannah I had the same problem and I'd eat 6 at a time, I hate how chalky they are and it never worked. I took zantac and mylanta everyday with her. Yes it's safe, remember my father in law is an ob/gyn and I ask him about everything! He's fabulous to have around!
I think this one is positioned really weird cuz it's hurting. I feel short of breath and he mentioned she's probably squeezing against my stomach causing the acid to continuously come up. Because I'm not getting any relief at all, it doesn't matter what I eat. Last night I just wanted to throw up so badly thinking it would take it away. But I didn't. I sure hope it gets better. I really am in pain:-( :-( :-( :-(
Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone even though I don't wish this upon anyone!
I was the heartburn queen with DD. I finally cried enough to my doctor and he gave me Prevacid. He said it was safe, but not to take it every day only when I really needed. I took it once per week and it really helped. I also just had to eat dinner around 6PM and no more after than no matter how super hungry I was. My DD was also up so high and would love to kick my stomach all the time. Ohhh how I did not like that pain! I soooo feel for you. ;( ;( ;(

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