Ouch!!! How do you stop underarm burning?


Actually it is more my arm than my underarm. Anytime I do a long cardio workout, I get a burn spot under my arm and it stings really bad. Is it because my arms are fat or what? And how can I prevent it? I was doing Rhythmic Step today and was proud of myself as I was almost finished with the entire workout, but I had to quit during the middle of the challenge because I couldn't stand the stinging any longer.
I don't know if this is the same type of thing or not...I get that on my torso, under my arm, when I wear certain tank top style workout tops. It only seems to happen with some of Cathe's workouts though, strangely enough. I just wear a shirt with sleeves now, instead. Maybe you need to go the other way, and wear a tank top! I don't think it's your arms.

Good luck!
Is it chafing? Maybe rubbing in a little lotion or Vaseline before working out? Maybe a dusting of cornstarch powder? Try some Cortaid to stop the stinging and the burning.
Thanks, yes it is chafing. I couldn't think of that word earlier. :p I normally wear tank tops when working out. I'll try the vaseline and if that doesn't work I'll try wearing a shirt with sleeves. Thanks for the replies.
Definitely chafing

I have that same problem. The backs of my underarms rub when doing cardio with arm movements in the winter. Apply Vaseline before working out, and it won't be a problem anymore.

Consider yourself lucky that the underarms are the only parts you have that rub. I know lots of people who have trouble where their thighs rub together, their breasts rub underneath, etc., etc. I doubt you are fat!

RE: Definitely chafing

Kelley, I get the same thing near the front of my armpits and keep a small bottle of baby powder handy when it strikes. Seems to happen when I sweat a lot, typically cardio days. I just dust a tad of powder under each arm and go on. Always seems to do the trick. Don't know if it matters but the baby powder has cornstarch in it.

At cycling supply shops, you can get some lubricant (looks like push-up deodorant) to put on these areas to prevent chafing.
Body Glide! It's awesome & not sticky like Vasoline. Running & tri-athlete specialty stores usually carry it too.

Body Glide, Body Glide, Body Glide!

Body Glide is a total godsend. It works a million times better than powder or vaseline, and without all the goop. As mentioned above, it looks like stick deoderant, and applying a little to the upper arms or inner thighs will keep them from chafing during any workouts (I find it especially helpful during long runs). You can get it at almost any good sporting goods store, or try my favorite running store, www.roadrunnersports.com. HTH!

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