OT/For those of you who Medical Assist?


Active Member
Hi everyone,
I am in need of some advice.For anyone here who does a medical assisting job,do you enjoy it?Is it rewarding?Is it really stressful?
I would really appreciate any opinions that you all have.I am seriously considering doing this type of work,but I wanted some opinions first before I fork out the money to attend college.I am a stay at home mom for 9 years now and I think it is time to find something to do...
Thanks guys!:)
I'm not a med assistant but I have several friends who are and they all wished they had just gone through with nursing schools since a lot of the classes are the same and, in my area at least, it takes the same amount of time (2 years). They all complain about having to do a lot of desk work, filing, paper work, etc. and prefer doing the hands on work (understandable). They also complain about the pay, compared to nurses it's next to nothing. The good thing about it though is you usually have a better schedule since you'd more than likely be working in a dr.s office rather than a hospital.

If you have your sites on a certain school you should make an appointment with the head of the department and they should be able to answer your concerns/questions. Good luck! School is so much more fun when your older, I'm doing it right now and I love it!
Hi. I am A Medical Assisting student. I didn't go into nursing because I have a child and I didn't want to work shift work. Missing sporting events and being home in the evening, even when he's old enough to be home alone is important to me. Do I want him home alone at 16 while moms working 3 to 11 and dads not home till 10pm. NO! Doctors office schedule is great and at the office I am externing at they turn over the phone to the answering service at noon and take an hour lunch once a month he shuts down the office and everybody goes shopping. So there are some perks. The money and the duties depend on where you live. The money here isn't great $8 to $10 per hr. here. You learn clinical and administrative duties, most people will work in one area or the other. I like the program (6 quarters) it's not as hard as nursing.

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