OT Anyone suffer from IC and still workout with Cathe?


I have recently been diagnosed with IC, a chronic disease of the bladder. I must urinate every 20 minutes or so and have a great deal of pain and pressure in my bladder area. I have not been able to do any of Cathe's workouts for about a month as the constant movement leads to increased pain. I have just recently started a walking program and hope I can keep it up. I am currently experiencing my longest "flare" up and am praying it is not permanent. Does anyone here suffer from IC and if so how do you handle working out.
First of all I would like to say I'm sorry you're suffering from this. It must be very painful and inconvenient. I went through a few bouts of cystitis. For me, it was another peri-menopausal symptom. I was not getting enough estrogen and it was weakening my bladder. Low Dose birth control pills and estrogen suppositories have helped me.

What causes IC?
I've never heard of this condition. Could you share more information about it?

I suggest you talk to your doctor about the type of workouts you used to do before you were diagnosed and ask what you can do now.
RE: OT Anyone suffer from IC and still workout with Ca...

I had some bad bouts with IC in the mid nineties. Eliminating acidic things from my diet, along with using acupuncture and Chinese herbs brought great relief. You're lucky that someone diagnosed you. This is one of those mostly female conditions that many docs think is all in our heads. It never interfered with working out in my case, but I can imagine that it could if the urgency prevented you from making it all the way through your workouts. Good luck and keep us posted.
I am afraid that I might be diagnosed with this soon. I have had a very tender bladder now for 3 months straight. Haven't worked out in 3 months either. (except some minor upper body weights). It seems like every movement hurts my bladder. Have been quite miserable with the whole deal and becoming depressed also. I started with a herpes outbreak that infected my cervix so badly that the urologist said the infected cervix affected my bladder. So hopefully my case will eventually go away on it's own. After 3 months, I've become very discouraged that it will go away on it's own. I have been doing some walking, that's the only thing that doesn't hurt (and some days that hurts). I never realized how lucky I was when I felt normal and well. Boy will I never take that for granted again if I ever feel normal.

I hope you are feeling better. Please let me know if you find anything that helps. I am watching my diet closely, including no caffeine, no asparatame, no fruit juices or acids, etc.

The bad thing is that I have started taking my Xanax tranquilizer every day to calm down. I only take 1 gram per day total, but any Xanax can lead to addiction. I can certainly see now how people end up addicted to prescription drugs.

hi.. I was recently diagnosed with IC, I always thought the pain was due to endometrosis, but I have IC too!! I have a hard time making it thru a workout without going to the bathroom...I try to go a couple of times in a row before working out. There is a prescription medication for this condition called Elmiron... it is quite expensive though.. about 380.00 a month..so needless to say I have not started it yet...waiting for better insurance to kick in... The meds take from three to 6 months to start working..what it does is repair the lining in your bladder which is causing the irritation. It is not a pain killer.. it supposed to correct the problem, but it is a life long medication, there is a good source of info on this on the web buy putting elmiron in the search engine...for you ladies wondering if you have it, the manufacturer of the drug has a checklist on their web site to see if you have the symptoms. I also take vicodin for the pain which seems to make me have to go potty more..catch 22, huh??
As many of you will know, i have the need to go to the bathroom constantly, but i don't feel pressure in my bladder. Its in my ureatha. It can burn and hurt. I usually go to the bathroom about 20 times a day! Its not nice. Doctors don't know what it is... sorry this isn't related, but i thought i'd say something.

Ps Lesley, i know what you mean about feeling normal. I can't even remember what its like to go more than 30 minutes without needing the bathoom. Sigh...

W x
This is totally unrelated, but I am having severe knee problems and have not been able to work out, or do any of my normal daily activities for about a month. I totally understand what you are saying about never taking for granted feeling normal!!!!!! We don't realize how lucky we are to be healthy until it is taken from us!

I know it is hard, but please try not to get depressed. I find what helps me is to distract myself... try to be around people... go out and do things (although these activities might be limited bc of your condition - but I'm sure you can still find something).

I also know what you mean about xanax. Be careful. I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder when I was a freshman in college, and I truly believe that I became addicted to these pills. It got to where I would lie awake at night in withdrawal if I didn't take them! And I kept having to up my dosage to get the same effect! It was pretty bad. Xanax can help you, but it is easy to become dependent. What worked for me was not taking it unless it was "an emergency." You'd be surprised, but thinking of it in this way really allowed me to ask myself "Do I REALLY need one?" and most of the time the answer was "No." I will be uncomfortable, but I can certainly make it through.

Hope this helps!

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