Oprah Winfrey!!!!


Has anyone seen her lately? I saw her the other night and I read that she is 198lbs! She looks so fabulous and i thought that weight was kinda high, but she said she has been working out with weights and her body was changing dramatically! That is great that she finally crossed over to weights considering that when she did the program with Bob Greene, he discouraged weight training until she had lost a significant amount of bodyfat. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! I just wanted to know if anyone saw her because she looks fabulous!
198lbs? That is high - for fat or muscles. I read her training programme with Bob Green and it was sooooooooo tough (she must have spent 3 hours exercising per day). Oprah is typical of someone who does things to extreme. I could never lose and gain so much weight in a lifetime.

Well, I'm going to be nice and say, "hooray for Oprah!" That's quite an accomplishment for someone who's had so much trouble with her weight. And the media hounding on her all the time hasn't helped...

varium et mutabile semper femina
I read
>her training programme with Bob
>Green and it was sooooooooo

What is her training program with Bob Green? 198 pounds seems high to me if she is training that much!
I have always admired Oprah Winfrey. I think she has great courage and is very gracious. When all the other talk shows were slinging mud, Oprah decided to change the whole talk show scene and focus on positive issues.
It's funny this thread about Oprah was started. I was joking to my DH the other day that I thought Oprah and Cathe ought to get together. They're both really inspiring, outstanding women.:D

>I have always admired Oprah Winfrey.
> I think she has
>great courage and is very

She is an incredible woman and role model!!! It's a shame the media fails to see that at times and focuses on her weight instead.
I caught an Oprah show or two recently and noticed she looked really good.

I'm curious about what her training program with B Greene is/was. Do you think she was doing 3 hours a day of cardio exercise? I've never read the book or seen the program but this certainly has my curiosty up now. :9

She certainly does look great.The Star or Enquirer (some sort of BullShit mag) had a picture of her on the cover running.They were saying that her weight was over the top and she was all out of shape.A couple of days after that I seen her on t.v and she looked awesome.Of course the magazine article wasn't true.I just read them at work for entertainment when I am bored.
I saw her when she went to the Emmys and thought she looked great. The magazine could have been printing old information as well. Sometimes I feel sorry for her constantly having the media badger her about the weight.She does the best she can and like all of us, she's only human. A really rich human! :) Susan

Don't get me wrong, the woman is an inspiration! Although, I think the way her body changes so much over time would be hard for someone like me to manage. Anyway, this was her training programme with Bob Green (who helped her run the Chicago marathon in 1994).

When he started training her in March 1993, she could only do 3-4 miles at 17 mins per mile. By July, her pace was up to 10-11 mins per mile and she was running 5-6 miles a day (I have only just started running and it takes me over an hour to do 6 miles. I find it very painful on my legs at the moment as I am so new to it. I have to take a day's break in between for my knees to recover). To do that much running and then on to the stairmaster for 45 mins plus 30 mins weight training in the afternoon is far too much, especially as she has to work as well. Oprah started her training at 5am everyday, then record her show and more training in the afternoon. He did this with her for over a year, entering her for the 1/2 marathon in August 1993 where she ran it in 2:16, which is very good. A year later she ran the Chicago marathon.

Oprah started her training weighing over 220lbs and went down to 150lbs by November 1993 (7 months later). Curiously though, when she trained for the marathon Bob Green made her cut down on the running and upped her weight training, so she was running slightly less mileage in January 1994. By midsummer, however, her running was up to 50 miles a week and she continued with this for three months until she completed the Marine Corps Marathon (without walking a single step I might add).

Now I hear she is back to 198lbs, I just don't understand how she could let it happen over and over and over again. I think that when you have a personal trainer and personal chef on hand to help you, your weight should not fluctuate so much. I know other celebrities like Madonna, Renee Zellweger etc. has gained weight and lost it and kept it off. I just don't get Oprah.

I have to say I have begun to work out seriously and it is tough! I can only do MIS one day and running on another. I cannot do both cardio and weight training in one day (I just don't have the energy or the time: people seem to think I am some sort of fitness freak as it is.

I take my hat of to people who can train at 5am and again during the day.


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