
Active Member
HURTS!!! I dont know if it's the new workouts or what but every body part aches. Has anyone else experienced this? Its been doing this for about 2 weeks and I cant even sleep good at night. I hope this goes away soon. Any input anybody? Thanks girls
OK. I haven't even gotten around to doing any of the new workouts yet but I have felt the sort of soreness you describe after I run a marathon. After I have run that distance that morning I am unable to turn over in bed at night without waking up from the pain. I would advise taking a day or two off to allow your body to recover and build itself up. That's what I do anyway!
I HAVE, I HAVE! Any time I try something new, it does take my muscles a little while to catch on. It is a good pain, though, that means I know it's working! ;)

Get plenty of rest, soak in a nice hot tub and get lots of sleep. You will be better in no time at all.

Thanks everyone, I guess I will keep hangin in there and take plenty of hot baths!!!!

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