Okay runners here's another one


What do you guys consider a long run, time wise? I don't go by miles, I just run by time. I'm wondering what you consider a long run? Longer than an hour and how often do you do a long run? More than once a week or does it just depend on how you feel? Thanks guys, right now I do an hour a few times a week and the longer I run the less I consider that a long run.

Everything really depends on your goals and experience. When I started running a long run was anything over 30 minutes! I don't run marathons or even half-marathons (yet), but I do run a few 5k's and 10k's each year.

Over winter I am in what I consider maintenance mode and I only run about 3 times a week - My long run is about 6 miles (or around an hour) and the other 2x are around 40 minutes. I just recently acquired Imax and Imax2 and I have been using these once a week for my intervals in addition to my running.

In early spring, I will begin to increase my time/distance until I am running 5-6 times a week. This summer my long run was around 9-10 miles (or aound 1 1/2 hours), 2x a week runs were 6 miles (1 hour), 1x was 1/2 hour interval and the other (if I could fit in a 6th day) was just 1/2 hour run.

There a lot of more experienced runners on this board who run a lot farther or more often than I do and who have different training goals than mine. Their long runs will be much different than mine.

The really important thing to avoid injury is to S-L-O-W-L-Y increase your time/distance and not try to add too many things at once. The rule of thumb as mentioned in an earlier thread is no more than 10% increase per week.
Lori Ann is right, it does depend on your goals and actually how long you have run for. I generally run 30K's, marathons, and 50K's so this could be so different with each runner here. I consider a long run time wise to be 2 hours or over. I do that once a week. I wouldn't consider doing it more than once a week unless you were training for a very long endurance run. Hope this helps a bit...:)..Carole
Thank you very much all of that information helps a lot. I will remember to take it slow. It's actually amazing how much your time can add up even when your taking it slow. Before you know it your running longer than you thought you would be. Thanks guys I appreciate all of the advice.
> how often do you do a long run?

once a week, but that's because i run long trailraces. like everyone else said, it depends on your goals and what you're training for. if you run 5ks and you're trying to run sub-20, you'd wanna focus on speedwork more than running long. if you're running marathons or longer, than yeah you're gonna want to hit some 2 and 3-hr runs

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