Okay girls....Weight loss check-in: 3/25


It seems each week we are unwilling to start this thread!! LOL Oh well.....I am about the same as last week. Perhaps because I'm doing the S&H series lately?? I don't know. Anyway, how is everyone else doing??

Hi Hollie :)
I've been waiting for this thread all day :)
Not that I have a loss to report, well, no weight loss, but I did lose 0.5 inches from my chest/back this week. It's "TTOTM" so hopefully next Monday I'll have a pound or two to report! :)
Hope everybody else was a "loser" this week, I'll check back! :)
Thanks for starting the thread Hollie. I haven't been home all day so I TOTALLY forgot. I am about the same. I have been eating very well and exercising well. This sore throat that I've had slowed me down a little but I am feeling much better today. I went to the gym my brother joined today just to see whether I might want to join to. It had a lot of nice equipment and it's only about 5 minutes from my house. I just don't know. It would only be $25 a month but I really hate to spend the money. I think it would be great for working my legs. Decisions, decisions!!!!

Congratulations Donna on your 0.5 inch loss. A loss, is a loss, is a loss, right? It is TTOTM for me so I hope next week will show at least a pound gone.

Now let's here from everyone else!!!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Our computer is acting up......sometimes I just can't get to the site and when I do get in the screen freezes :-( and I have to start all over again (if it will let me). I wrote a chatty little post a while ago and it just didn't 'take'. I find it most frustrating and think I'll just give up trying till we get the problem fixed.

I'm not going to get too 'chatty' because I might just lose this post too!

I just wanted to let you know I was still here in case any of you 'losers' missed me ;-).

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]
I ate terrible over the weekend, I don't even dare touch the scale. Tomorrow I have WW's and there I will pay the price!!!! I am back on track today though, and happy!!! I sell Premier Designs jewelry, and I have been so busy. For two weeks, I have been racing from morning until night. I let myself get way to worn down and tired, and I just kinda gave up. Now, I know better. Lesson learned, and I am back on track. Hopefully next week I have better news to report. I am onto week 3 of Donna's Fat Blaster Rotation. I misssed 2 workouts last week. Happy losing everyone!!!
Lori Saxton
Hi all. I didn't step on the scale but tried to measure my progress by how well I ate. I began to apply the Wendy Points plan to WW and it it helpful (at least mentally). Mon-Wed were not good eating days, but thurs-Mon. except (for a spoon of PB while making lunches Sun. nite) was good. I feel like I am turning a corner with the clean eating, my biggest challenge.

Workouts were great last week, and I am thankful for my enthusiasm with exercise.

May you all have a positive week:)

all things in moderation :)
Susan: Sorry you are having computer problems. It's very frustrating, isn't it??? I hope you get your problem fixed. We want you to be chatty!!! :)

Lori: Don't feel bad! The times in my life that I have gained weight have been those stressful times where I am just too tired to care. If we can overcome that then we have it made. I hope things settle down so you cancentrate on yourself for a while. Let us know how the weigh in went at WW....good or not so good!

Likes2bfit: Now that spoon of PB wasn't bad, it's good protein (I know, and fat). Keep up the great work you are doing. Can you tell me how you decide how many points you are suppose to eat. I have always thought that WW and the point system would be a good way to measure my food intake.

Hope everyone else is having a great week!!!!! Take it one day at a time and soon those days turn into months...before you know it you will be where you want to be! :) Smile!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Hi All,
Started WW 3 weeks ago or so. Down to 148.1 from 150.9. I am happy with that. Weigh in tonight again. In the process of moving and temporarily staying with a friend so exercise has been non existent for 3 weeks or more. I am so tired because of it and really miss it. Back on track next Monday hopefully. Then I hope to start losing 2 lbs a week. On the way down to 125 lbs.
Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Easter.
OK, Kelly. are you famiilar with WW points? I recently, from a post on this forum, went to the Wendy WW point plan. If you have a basic understanding of WW points, then you may want to try Wendy's plan. It makes sense.

The Wendy plan has a varried amount of points per day, but the total points for the week is in the correct range. There are days where you eat the minimum and days where you eat over the maximum. This is my first week with it, however I've counted points off and on since 1998, and am a lifetime member of WW.

check out this site: http://communities.msn.com/POINTingmyWaytoaNewLife/wppointsranges.msnw

all things in moderation :)
Hi everyone- Just a note to let you know I did not weigh in last night. I had a chance to go to Steven Curtis Chapman, and I took it. I was kinda bummed, I hate to miss, but there is always next week. I am planning on bringing my own food to my mom's on Easter so I can keep track of my points. I do not like ham anyway. So, I will bring a chicken breast, and a sweet potato, and a great salad I got off WW's website. I am going to bring one of those WW's Mud Pies for dessert, I love them. That is my plan anyway, I am so PMS'y this week, I hardly like myself.
The Prodigal Fat girl returns

I was part of a weight loss check-in here waaaayy back when.
I dropped off because we dwindled down to very few posters.
Anyway, this seems like a great group and I'd love to participate
if I may??

I should have reached my weight loss goals over a year ago and have no good excuse. Just plain lack of consistency and refusing to accept that I CANNOT eat whatever I want and still lose weight. Well I've faced reality and I'm ready to work. I'm tired of hating to get dressed each day and feeling uncomfortable about my size on vacations! One of which I have coming up June 1st, a cruise

I'm a size 16 - My ultimate goal is an 8 and conquer all 80min of BodyMax!!! :) For the past 2 years I've hovered around 212-215 (I can't believe I'm typing this), over the past months I've gone btwn 205 and 210 doing mostly the Firm. Last week, after actually eating better and adding Cathe's and more cardio consistantly I'm down to 200. I'm determined to lose at least one full dress size by June 1st and would love to check-in with you all!

RE: The Prodigal Fat girl returns

Lori: I like Steven Curtis Chapman. I've never gone to one of his concerts because I'm not the concert going type but I bet he does a good one. The weigh in will always be there for you! I hope you show some progress.

Crystal: I remember you from the other weight loss checkin. See, I'm still here also which means that I have not been a good girl either. Soooo, don't feel bad. I am actually trying to lose a few pounds that I had gained back and I'm almost there. My weight loss journey started in the beginning of 2000 where I weighed in at 205 lbs. During that first 6 months I lost down to 170 and then I leveled off there until the end of the year. I renewed my FIGHT at the beginning of 2001 and lost 7 lbs. This past summer I started having problems with extreme fatigue and found out I have hypothyroidism. Well from the summer until the end of the year I had gained back 24 lbs. YUCK!! I was sooooo mad that I had worked so hard and then let my weight get back up. Oh well, every day is a new day. I am now at about 169 pounds and would like to weigh about 160. I really would like to weigh 150 to 155 but I'm not sure that is realistic. I am 5'9" and fairly big boned. Anyway, I just wanted to share with you that I know how you feel especially about hating to get dressed and go anywhere. I just wanted to hide myself in a deep dark hole and be left alone. We have a vacation coming up in mid May and we are going to the beach. Needless to say I would love to be at my goal weight by then and that is my goal.

Well, jabbering time is over! :) Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Hi everyone and welcome back to Crystal

I feel a bit guilty :-shy as I've not posted for a week or two. I was feeling a bit bummed so avoided it. It was one of those situations--you know, 1 bad eating day leads to another and another and so on and so on......

I've been a bit frustrated as I cannot seem to budge my weight. I feel pretty good about the exercising and like the muscle I'm seeing but I sure would like to be a size (maybe 2)smaller instead of between sizes. Makes buying clothes a real pain.

Anywho, I decided I need to shake up :-jumpy the eating. If I can maintain where I am now I need to change something to be a loser - right!
I don't think I could exercise more so it's the eating that's got to change.

I'm also a little lazy :-sleepy when it comes to figuring out %of protein, carbs and fat eaten on any given day. Sooooooooo Monday and for the next week I'm trying this "fad diet" :-wow (dirty word) that seems doable for me. You may have heard of it, fruit one day, veggies next, fruit & veggies, bannanas, beef & veggies, beef & veggies and then carbs with veggies. It also allows soup everyday. So it's Ready to Serve "Healthy Request" soup for me. I eat the whole can and it's still only around 200-300 calories.

My weigh ins are on Wednesdays so this morning I was down 2.2 lbs (scale weighs in increments of 1.1 - sigh). I know most of this is probably water loss but hey it made me feel good. ;-) The other part to this is it's getting me to think more about fruits and veggies which I know I do not eat enough of.

I'll let you know how I fair next week as I'm making a Turkey supper for Easter. (yes I know it's suppose to be ham but my daughter loves Turkey for Christmas and Easter and she'll be home and I love to please her.) :D It's also on Saturday as she has to leave on Sunday to drive back home.

Lori you talked about getting worn down and tired, that's when I usually binge or find an excuse not to exercise too, but your right to just get back on track.

Silly me thought I should be exercising 6x a week, but you know when you're working 40-50 hours a week, doing housework, buying groceries, doing laundry and all that it can wear a girl down. I'm going to focus on 5x a week and not being tired. Anything else will be a bonus.

Well, I put off posting for awhile but once I got started typing I couldn't stop. It's the same with exercising some days, the hardest thing to do is start. Too bad its the same with eating too. LOL.:7 Some days once you start eating you just can't stop.

Have a great week!

I'm strivN2Bfit , Paulette

I know I don't want to post when I haven't done well with my eating either. Working 40 to 50 hours a week is enough to wear anybody out plus all the other responsibilities we women have. All any of us can do is take it one day at a time. I realize there are going to be bad days and so when it happens it is not quite so tramatic. You just say to yourself that one day is not going to kill ALL progress and then get right back into it and keep going. I've heard of the "fad" diet that you speak of but I have no info as to whether it works or not or how healthy it is. I'm sure your body will tell you if it's not working for you. Good luck and let us know how your doing whether it is great or not so great!!!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Hello all: Glad to see everyone with positive things to say!

I'm SLOWLY getting back to exercise. I can do 10-20 minute bursts on the bike but I'm not released to lift yet. But the good news is that not exercising for nearly a month, eating whatever I want, and even with the pain killers early on... I lost 2 pounds this month. Guess some of those good food habits have stuck with me even when I wasn't really conscious of them!

My plan is to increase cardio this week and relearn a Cathe tape a week.... That's the plan anyway!

See you next week. Katie
The number of points needed per day to fuel your body and lose weight depends on your present wieght.

Hveyou tried the WW website? I don't know much about it. Another web siteI visit sometimes is dottiesweightlosszone.com.
Dottie is a lifetime WW member also.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :-
This too shall pass-PMS I t IS hard to believe though! Great plan for Easter! Having a plan is half the battle!

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :-
RE: The Prodigal Fat girl returns

Glad you are here. I am fairly new to this post, and find everyone to be friendly and supportive, (and subject to human error! LOL)

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)

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