Oh my goodness!


Am I really that much of a "MOTOR MOUTH"??? It says that I have posted 1,274 times. (This post making it 1,275!) I am looking at everyone else's numbers and most are UNDER 100! Even SNM have only posted 610 times? Could this be an error or have I truly yapped that much? OH BOY! :p
i hope you keep it up too

i enjoy hearing what you have to say:)

susan :+ could this be my new signature...the resemblance is amazing ;-)
Susan & Alli!

Thank you Susan. How sweet of you! I was a bit embarrased to think I had posted sooo many in comparison to other's.
Alli~No, where do I go to get PM's? I am a bit lost here right now. Just trying to find myself. :7 How are your lil' ones?
RE: Susan & Alli!

I am not sure where you go to get the PM's...lol. I'm guessing in your Inbox under user info.

Kids are driving my NUTS...lol ;). We've had a lot of snow days lately. We all have cabin fever. I would love to see new pictures of little Miss Kennedy!

Debbie, You better find your PM cause I sent you one too yesterday to tell you how many times you have posted!!LOLLOLLOL. Keep posting, you might be able to keep the title of "Most Poster". (and I like to hear from you!!)


Can anyone yet tell me how to subscribe so I can be emailed when someone has answered me (or posted to this thread)?

I found them. You are right, just go to your "inbox". (Did you get mine??LOL!) I'll send off some pix of Kennedy who is just so much fun right now. 19 months is such a great age! We are having such harsh weather here also, but no snow days at this point. My teachers (who are students in my classes) keep wishing for one. I am assuming that is Katie in the picture? I can't believe how big she is already. Seems you were just pregnant with her a few months back. Thanks for thinking of me!:)

Briee~I found it finally! I was FLOOORED when I saw how many posts I had made! And... to think I have rarely been posting lately due to my schedule. Imagine the number that might have come up if I had! :eek:
Great to hear from you!
RE: Ha!

Incidently Debbie, you are still a MALE last time I checked.....HA...I figured that one out finally and am now feeling more feminine again (except this morning when I did bootcamp....you just can't feel feminine doing sumo squats.) BUT WHERE OH WHERE IS JUMPY!!! I refuse to be happy until I find Jumpy.

Hi Runathon!

A PM is a personal message someone from this forum sends to you. You go to your "inbox" to find them. Now, I forget how I got there??? Ha! I better quit posting or my number will hit 2,000 before long! :7
RE: Yeeeah!

Yep, that's her :) Can you believe she's going to be 11 months on Sunday? It goes by faster with each baby.

It's 10 degrees right here now. It was 1 when I got up. I'm ready for summer!!

I can't wait to see her pictures. Wow...19 months! Sounds like it's time for them to think about making you a grandmother again ;):+


You need to QUIT posting to me because it means I HAVE to post back! LOL! I saw I was a "male"! YIKES! I feel unhappy without my little wavey guy! Evetually, we will figure this all out! I am sure you did enough JUMPING this morning in Bootcamp. Maybe, that will tide (sp.?) you over til you find Mr. Jumpy!
I hadn't seen any of your posts for such awhile that I was going to post a special thread asking if anyone had seen or heard from you. :D:D:D.

See how much you are loved here.

You offer the most encouragement on the forum DebbieH, so if you have encouraged 1274 people, then good for you and keep yapping!
I just have to post so I can see how many times I've posted in the past...
Debbie, I hope you never stop!
(but you don't need to reply!)
Oh no!

This is just a vicious cycle!! You guys are making me blush! Kathy, Wanda, Lisa & Wendy, thanks for making me feel so much better. I hope at least half of my posts DID help or encourage someone. Thanks guys. You're the best! Thanks Wanda for noticing. I hope to be around here a bit more then the past month. Life has been crazy, but GOOD!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hey Debbie,

I just noticed there's at least one person on here that has more posts than you...Cathe :) She has over 2700. Guess that's fitting though ;)

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