Oh, Honeybunch!


You haven't posted any yummy dessert recipes in a long time - please tell me you're still baking! My parents came to visit a few weeks ago and I made your s'mores cookie bar recipe because my mom loves those things (me too!) :9

Just curious!

Ok guys, now you donnit! I want ANY and ALL recipies you got up your sleeves! :-jumpy!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we should have someone compile the "Cathe Forum's fattening recipes" like Kathy S. does the Rotations! Ha! What a blast! That would give us more incentives to buy the new workouts...(like we needed any more!).

What is this I hear about 'smores recipe....hey...share the wealth....:) I just "loves" to bake. }>


Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
Hi ladies!

I'm Liz - the one who put up the rotation site recently from Kathy S.'s Word documents. I came across a thread that referred to a great sweet potato recipe and I started thinking: I wonder if anybody would be interested in having me do with recipes what I already did with the rotations? (reference: http://www.fitnessvideofanatics.com) If enough are interested I can duplicate the script with some minor changes and everyone can post recipes.

Whaddya think?
I haven't baked much since the Bake Off ended last in Oct. of 2001. I'll have to start to think about the next one, which will take recipes in the fall of 2003. I have to be more creative this next time to have a chance.

I DO like the idea of a recipe collection, however! Sounds great!

Please, please, please do add a thingamayiggi to the rotation site for recipes!!!!

Thank you!

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
This is a terrific idea! I am constantly reading cooking magazines and cookbooks in search of delicious yet healthy recipes. Usually I don't tell people that they are low fat or whatever until after they taste them and tell me that they like them. People are too predisposed to think that healthy can't possibly be good. I have many recipes to share! I made a fantastic black bean dip recently that won rave reviews!

Who said HEALTHY!!!??? Just kidding! HB used me as her guinea pig for her bake-off recipes and let's just say, I HAD to kick my workouts up a notch. ;-)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Honeybunch, would you mind posting the s'mores cookie bar recipe again? It sounds like it would be worth adding another set of plyo-jacks! Thanks!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-02 AT 05:14AM (Est)[/font][p]I'll see if I can drag it out this weekend. There is NOTHING healthy about it, I'll warn everyone.
Best of all the entire thing is made in the microwave in just minutes!!! For people like me who are "Betty Crocker" challenged this is right up my alley!

I did a search and can't find anything out about last year's cook off. Can anyone fill me in on the details? If I could get those recipes I could plug them into the recipe database I'm almost thru with.

Actually, I didn't post my Bake Off submissions, but I saved them on a disk, and could e-mail them to you. There were 7 in all. Cheez, what a project!
Every 2 years, Pillsbury posts the rules, and you have to develop a recipe in four or five categories (I always do desserts) in which you use at least one of several required products (ranging from Green Giant Mushrooms to Brownie Mix). The trick is to be as creative as possible. Last year a sandwich won that was made out of pizza dough. There are time constraints - the recipes had to be made in 20 minutes or less, not including cooking or baking times.

Pillsbury weeds out the prospects, and the whole process takes about 8 months from start to finish. I must say it was fun, but very expensive to buy baking ingredients all the time.

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