O/T rosacea


Hi guys. :)
Do any of you know anything about Rosacea? My dermatologist diagnosed me with it this week, and prescribed an antibiotic just for the first month, and a prescription facial cleanser containing sulfur. I'm not crazy about being on an antibiotic, but will stay on it for this month and see how it goes. Anyone else have this?
Hi Wendyloo,

I too have Rosacae...its not fun!
When I was first diagnosed, the doctor had my on antibiotics for a month too--I don't know about sulfur based meds though..I was also on Topical Erythromycin (sp?) and Metrolotion. It was the combination that really helped ( I hated the antibiotics too.but it worked)

I'm still on the Metrolotion--aside from that....the important things for me are to use very gentle products: Neutrogena, Cetaphil etc. and to moisturize as much as I need.

Lastly, read up on it if you can..there are tons of potential triggers, and the trick is to find your own and avoid them.

Hope this helps a little.....if you want to talk further--please feel free to e mail me at [email protected]

Good luck!
Thanks for the response Amy! Strange how different our skin must be though--Neutrogena and Cetaphil cause major allergic reactions for me.
I'm going to go look some stuff up right now...
Thanks again!
It's been a year now since I've been dx w/ rosacea. The best thing to do is to educate yourself on the condition and figure out what "triggers" rosacea for you. I have never been placed on antibiotics, but I do use Metrogel 2x/day. My main trigger is stress and anxiety. As far as workouts are concerned, I have a fan going at all times and a spray bottle of water to spritz my face while working out.

Hope this helps!
Yes, I know about this

my husband has it and is on antibiotics when it flares up and a sulfur based face wash. Be careful where you use that face wash because it has totally DESTROYED THE SINK FIXTURE on his sink--totally eroded it. (amazing that something you put on your Face erodes brass.)-- but, it does.
RE: Yes, I know about this

YIKES!! it eroded the sink fixtures? ohman!!!
I'm glad Cetaphil works for me!

Hey, just a question for you guys who are experienced in this...my flares have been really controllled since late last winter, but with the onset of dry air winter, my nose is getting red and bumpy.
I'm a little scared to use the topical Erthromycin--its stings a bit when I put it on....
<sigh> I hate to take another trip to the doctor, but I'm starting to look like I've been drinking like W.C. Fields.

What do you all think? try the Erythromycin or not? (this would be in addition to the metrolotion.)
Any suggestions appreciated!
I am 44 yo (female) and have it. I take Doxycycline antibiotic and the Noritate 1% cream at night. I use both.
My father had it and his nose enlarged quite a bit and parts of his nose became enlarged. I have read that this usually occurs in the males only, but I want to be real careful in this area.
Topical lotion

my husband uses a topical lotion called Klaron which is sodium sulfacetimide 10% lotion)--and at times, he takes an antibiotic named Menocycline. Plus, the sulfur based face wash. between all of these 3 treatments--it's under control. (It comes and goes.)
Just my two cents. The antibiotics and topicals never worked for me but the informercial product "Proactiv" did. I have used it for about 2 yrs. now and my face looks as good as it can...I will never have a radiant complexion, but it is even now and my nose is especially better. Check it out!

Here is the website http://www.proactiv.com/image.gif

It has worked for me, my sister who had typical acne and my brothers. We are all fair, freckled and have some skin issues. I would suggest using it for a few months and see how it works. Good luck!!

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