O/T - Louis Vuitton Handbags


Does anyone else out there have champagne taste and a beer pocket?

I have been carrying my Fendi bag snce 1994 and it is finally time to upgrade. I'd like a Louis Vuitton, especially one from the new Murakami line, but I do not want to pay top dollar. There are sites that sell replicas but I want the real deal! :7

There are lots for bid on ebay, but how can you tell who is selling authentic? Even the fakes come with LV dustbag, tags, and labels. I am skeptical even of the folks who advertise their bags as authentic when indeed they may be replicas.

Anyone have any insight to share?

My sister recently purchased an upscale hand bag from ebay. She was so concerned that she might have gotten a fake that she took it into the store that would have sold the bag. Turns out the one she bought on ebay was a) from last season and b) a second. The bag does have the tiniest flaw on one of the straps. Well, when the bag would have retailed for over $1000 you can't have any visible flaws because then it wouldn't sell. So it became a second. And dramatically reduced in price. The sales associate could tell this because on the inside of the bag the leather had been embossed with a code that indicated the bag was a second. She did assure my sister that it was the real deal.

With regard to ebay, look at the vendor rating and some of the feedback comments before purchasing. Not much else you can do really.

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. Here is a link for one of the LV replica sites. The bags look as good as the real thing!


I ordered the Speedy 30 from eluxury.com. They are the only website authorized to carry authentic LV bags and accessories. Mine is the traditional brown and gold; they are getting the Murakami line in this fall. The Speedy is actually one of the least expensive bags at $460 (Speedy 25) and $480 (Speedy 30). For the extra $20, I wanted to be able to fit a water bottle in there! These prices reflect the brown and gold bags only. The Murakami line is hugely expensive for the same bag, twice to three times the price.

Buyer beware! I was way burned on Ebay, ended up with a 300.00 fake a few years ago. I was LV stupid and myself didn't know the difference between the real thing, and the fake. Turned out the guy lost his Ebay account, once I nailed him. There are way more fakes on Ebay than the real thing. Save up and get the real thing...It's sooo...satisfing.
Just assume that they are all fakes on eBay. I've bought 2 supposedly "authentic" Prada bags that were both fakes. The first was only $100 so it didn't hurt that much, but the second was $300 and it really hurt. Expensive lesson. Try using Bluefly.com instead, it's a retail site of discount designer. It's never the current stuff, and it's more expensive than eBay but it's real. The thing that really burns me up is that the sellers are so sanctimonious - "I guarantee that this is 100% authentic!!!!etc. etc." Do not trust them. I think eBay just looks the other way because they are making money off this thing.

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