nutrition software


Active Member
Someone mentioned a really good CD-rom that helped them with their nutrition goals. I'm really curious about their experience with it. I remember looking up info about it but then forgot about it since no one had reasonable international shipping. I may be visiting my mom so I can pick it up while I'm there. Does anyone know what I'm talking about!? And can answer my questions about it?



I don't know if it is this one, but i have the vivonic fitness planner which allows you to track what you eat and what you use via exercse. I live in saudi arabia and I bought mine from a site that i can't remeber the name. But it was reccomende by vivonic because the site did international shiping and vivonic didn't. It cost me $34 for shipping and it can DHL, i got it in four days. I honestly didn't think that was too bad and the soft ware cost $49. If you go to vivonic and email them about internaitonal shipping, chances are they will give you the name of the site. Sorry i can't be more precise.

One great software program - and it's the only one out there that I know of - is called LifeForm. You can find out about it on their webpage, It allows you to do hundreds of things, but I use it in a limited way a few times a year to get back on track I enterin everything I eat for a few weeks and I can see how it all stacks up with regard to calories, calcium, fat, etc. It comes pre-loaded with lots of food items (commercial and otherwise) and recipes, but you can add whatever you want to the database.
Thanks! It was Vivonic that was mentioned before but I'm also going to chwck out Life Form as well. Does anyone have any particular comments about either one? Any input would be helpful!!

I used for a while, but I found that it had too little in its database. you want to get one that has a big database that is updated frequently. you might also want something that looks at your diet from different angles, such as vitamins and minerals as well as dietary fat and calories. I seem to remember that I looked at something called HealthKeeper also. They had a lot of detailed information and preloaded diet comparisons for people who wanted to follow a particular plan, such as low-glycemic, USDA food pyramid, mediterranean food pyramid, etc.
Hi Marcia,

If you are just looking for a way to track what you eat, in a general way, there are some free internet sites that do that.

The only one I can remember right now is the USDA's site...

There is another one that I can't remember. Some of the girls on the FIRM forum were using it a while back. Maybe if you go there and do a search you could find it.

The USDA site is pretty good for just tracking your eating, but it won't factor in your exercising. Still, it doesn't cost $50 either.

Good luck!

Laura (LCC)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-01 AT 03:49PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks for this info. We all like free stuff, especially when we can take advantage of what our tax dollars paid for!

I tried it, and it's a great site, providing that you are honest about your portions. I'm eating as much calorie wise as I thought I was (except on Fridays!)

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