Nursing Question


Active Member
Hello everyone,
My baby is 12 weeks old, and I absolutely love everything about nursing him, except for one little tiny thing. I hate sleeping in a bra. I have to sleep in my bra with nursing pads or else most nights I will leak all over the place ( I don't do any middle of the night feedings ). Does anyone have any ideas?
Hi Ashley ~ I was sympathetic to your question, as I am also nursing a 7-week-old, little girl...AND, I also have a 2-year-old girl, who I nursed for 14 months. With her, I couldn't believe how much I leaked at night (and throughout the day!). I also had to wear a comfortable bra w/pads at night for quite awhile -- there really wasn't a way around it. It tapered off when she was about 7 months. But, for you, I believe that your breasts will decrease their milk production at night, as you aren't doing the nighttime feedings. It will probably take some time before they recognize that they don't have to feed the baby in the middle of the night (I wish I had that problem!) If you're uncomfortable wearing a bra at night, then I've heard that you can put a towel underneath you to soak up the milk. Also, you might want to visit -- I like their website to answer nursing questions. Good Luck to you -- the first 3 months are the most challenging, in my opinion!

~ April
Thanks April,
I will check out that website. We are very fortunate that our baby took to the schedule we put him on so well. He started sleeping through the night when he was five and a half weeks old. It was Christmas eve, and the greatest Christmas present I could have gotten. Ever since then, he has slept through the night. Thanks for the info!


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