Nursing mom's diet


New Member
Greetings! I've been so encouraged reading all your posts since shortly after I got pregnant, but I havne't started posting until recently. My ds will be 5 month old Sunday (where has the time gone? I could swear I just found out I was pregnant a little while ago!!) I hope this is a good place to ask a question about nursing/diet. I'm a new stay at home mom so along with trying to do things right, I'm trying to watch my budget. I know fish is such a healthy thing to eat... I've read that you shouldn't eat tuna more than 1 or 2 times a week though while you're nursing. Does anyone know if canned salmon is safe to eat?
Hi and congrats, come join us on our postpartum check in. I am not sure since I don't like salmon, but I am thinking its one of the fish not to eat while pregnant and therefore possibly harmful when nursing but check with your ob. I know they say to limit tuna due to mercury levels.
I agree with Shopaholic, I believe it's the mercury level that my pose a problem...most noted in pregnancy (not sure about nursing). The rule of thumb is the bigger the fish the more it's safest to stick with the smallest fish (like crappies & bluegills).

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie.....that's what our health conscious physician's assistant told me. She recommended I eat sardines as they are at the bottom of the food chain.

I will share with you that I was eating a lot of fish early on in pregnancy and I began experiencing irregular heartbeats. I would get a little dizzy sometimes and then I would take my pulse and my heart would be beating very strangely. I would get a beat and then skip two and then a few regular and skip a few more. And I had this strange feeling like I was out of breath or almost like I couldn't take a breath. I read an article on the effects of mercury and I cut out the fish altogether and it immediately stopped. I don't believe this had anything to do with just "being pregnant" as it was so connected to my fish intake. I asked a doctor who said (of course) "Oh I don't think you could have been eating enough fish to make this happen". I added fish back a few weeks later and the same thing happened. At that point I cut out fish altogether.

.....And I've gone back to edit out the derogatory statements regarding doctors as there probably are a few good ones out there, I just haven't met them. x( x( x(


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