

Hi Everyone!

I was just reading through Cathe's original note about the RT weekend, where she notes
"While you’re resting between classes, awesome guest expert speakers will talk to you and answer your questions about a variety of fitness and wellness-related topics"

I'm a "write it down or I'll forget it" type of person - and I was wondering if it's worth bringing a note book?? (nerd... I know, but I don't want to forget all this good stuff!!)

Did anyone do this in the past? Is anyone planning on doing it this time? Or should I just sit back & enjoy & absorb all I can?

Any thoughts?
I was thinking about doing the same thing. The 05 RT did not have guest speakers. But this time I thought I might throw a small note book in my work out bag and see if I need it.

Why don't you be a real geek and break out your laptop to take notes? Or your Blackberry? ;-)

Don't worry, I'm the same way. Notes (however taken) are nice to have handy.
When I was going through the checklist of things to bring, I made a point to list that I will bring a small spiral notebook or notepad (for notes), plus a couple of pens. I have a feeling that maybe we might hear some stuff during our breaks that we might want to take notes on! (I'm like you -- if I don't write it down, I forget!) So add that to your list -- maybe not something bulky -- just something small to jot notes!)

Pardon my intrusion, but y'all are cracking me up:7 . I hope you'll share your notes with the rest of us who can't go on the RT:D

Have fun!! I'm sooooooo jealous;) :)

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