Not feeling so good today


I don't want to sound like a whiner but I just feel like crap today.

I woke up with a terrible headache this morning. I'm tired, sick to my stomach (which usually lasts all day), my back hurts. ARRHH!!! I"m at work and I'm not busy at all so that is going to make my day drag on. Only 6.5 more hours to go. I wish I could crawl under my desk and take a nap.
sorry to hear you are not feeling very well today.
i am completly with you. it's hard just being able to keep my eyes open all day...:-(
I can relate. I am going to try to go home at 4pm today... I just need to lie down!

32 weeks
I remember being a mess during most of my 1st trimester. Since then I have felt pretty good! Do I have another bout of exhaustion or something to look forward to in the 3rd trimester?

Please warn me girls!! I am new at this! lol :)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]

you will definitely be tired again in the 3rd trimester. not so much from your hormones. but from exhaustion. it will start to become really hard to sleep through the night with the constant pottie runs and baby kicking all night...;o)
>you will definitely be tired again in the 3rd trimester. not
>so much from your hormones. but from exhaustion. it will start
>to become really hard to sleep through the night with the
>constant pottie runs and baby kicking all night...;o)

Well, I am already getting practice with the potty runs! lol Once a night usually, sometimes 2! The kicking isn't bad yet...only a little when I first lay down...I fall asleep no problem and it hasn't woken me up yet. But I am still plagued with hip pain so I roll around constantly from about 3 am on....and it's only gonna get worse...OH JOY! lol:p

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I totally know how you feel. I was sick nonstop for over three months. I missed a lot of work. What was so bad about that is that I would feel just as crappy at home. I'm so sorry for you! I am in my 20th week and have just started feeling better on a regular basis. For awhile there it seemed like I didn't have one day where something wasn't wrong. If I wasn't sick, I was tired. Now I seem pretty normal. It will get better. As for not sleeping, my doctor gave me something in the beginning for morning sickness, but I couldn't take it because it makes you so tired. If I can't sleep, I just take one of those and I sleep sound all night! Go home and rest and don't feel one bit bad about it!:)
>Well, I am already getting practice with the potty runs! lol
>Once a night usually, sometimes 2!

Well, that will increase to 6-7 trips per night...;-)

32 weeks

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