No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 27, 2005


Hey chiquitas!

How are we all doing today?

I did okay yesterday, but I had such a stressful drive home last night that I made myself an ice cream sandwich for dessert at dinner last night. Two Digestive cookies and some Neopolitan ice cream in between. Maybe two tbsps of ice cream, so it wasn't that bad. I fared much better with the no salt/more water part:)

Only a few more days, and then it's NO SWEETS again for me. It was MUCH more difficult than the no salty snacks challenge.

I've also decided to do the Hardcore Fat Loss Rotation for August.
Hey shelley,

Yesterday was a down day for me and is TTOM. So it caused me to slip some this week.

sweets- check
salt- had pringles yesterday. AT those and don't want anymore.
water- improving

I am doing the sweets challenge in august again.

RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 27, 200...

I'm in for no sweets in August. We may as well make it no sweets in 05' LOL

Sweets- check
No salty snacks-check

Have a good day girls. Hang in there!
RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 27, 200...

Doing well so far this week -

no added salt - check
portion control - in control
water - check is really helping me. I should have started that a long time ago.

Be well -

Mmm.... Digestive Cookies... those are hard to find in the States.

Water - check
Salty snacks - check
Sweets - dagnabit! I can't seem to conquer this one. I had half a Blizzard last night. Today is a new day. I shall not cave. And next month, it's bye-bye sweet things. I'm almost looking forward to it! :p
It's all right Evily. I can't conquer it either, without having strict controls imposed on me. We shall conquer it TOGETHER!! At least for one month;)
Hi Shelley, Kim, Kali, Margaret, and Emily.

I would love to join you ladies. I need to get a grip on my Good-n-Plenty addiction. Eating just one and well....I had been good for the past month and a half and just recently caved.

I feel so much better when I'm not eating them....but gosh how I love black liquorice...

Have a great day.

Hi Shelley and Ladies,

Shelley, thanks so much for your nice reply to my fatland post. I would love to join this check-in. It's right up my alley. :) Last night I had a *low-fat* ice cream sandwich. I don't know why I buy the things, they aren't even worth it. They taste like cardboard with a chemical center. I won't even go into the pig out I had at an area restaurant last night. Let's just say there was lots of fat and sodium involved.

Today I am so bloated from last night's dinner. Had coffee so far, not even hungry.

I will check in again this evening. :)

Lori I am glad you have joined us here. Shelley I am with you on the no sweets for August!

Yesterday was so so for me

No salty snaks-check
water- Check
No Sweets-1/2 check I ate a candy fruit slice :(

Ugh. Well done Lori - bad girl Shelley. Not only did I have the darn cookie today, I ate an Apricot Granola bar thingie from Starbucks. I'm smacking myself on the nose with a rolled up newspaper as I write this (which is no mean feat, lemme tell ya!).
Shelley, you looked so fit and cute in the road trip pics. If I am not mistaken, you work out hard--the granola bar and cookie is fuel. I read you HELP post, at least you just had one. That's a feat in itself. :)

No salty snacks, no sweets, plenty of water......

No sweets challenge for August??...ummm...let me get back to you on that...;)
No sweets.

Tiny bit bad with salty snacks. Had a few tortilla chips with salsa.

Definately did not drink enough water. Guess I'll go slam another glass now!!

New day tomorrow!!!!

Lori....Glad to see you had a good day.

I am back from a long vacation. I did very well on the water and salt, but the sweets got worse and worse every day and now I am in the middle of TTOM cravings that have totally taken over my life. I can't get enough food! All of it is bad. I am eating stuff that I never would even look at before! Help!

I am definitely in for the no sweets in August. I did SO well in June!! I need this challenge to not sabotage all the progress that I have made. People are starting to notice my definition and weight loss. I have to stop my downhill slide!!

Tomorrow I will do better, I promise!

Hey jenn,

I had the same experience during my vacation and when I got back. I could not get off the sweets for nothing. It took me two weeks to clean up my diet. It really helped with this no sweets check in. I knew I would have to tell this ladies what junk I had put in my mouth. Everyone is so supportive and willing to help.

Thanks shelley for continuing the no sweets check-in!!

RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 27, 200...

Hi everyone!

Can I join your check-in? I currently am trying to lose 20 pounds and my eating habits pretty much consist of junk. I am going to journal everything I eat and try no sweets and salt and drink more water and no eating after 7 p.m. I think this check-in could help me a lot.

Thanks - Anne
Hi everybody and welcome to the check-ins Michelle, Lori, and Anne.

I don't know why I can't check all three things. Today my bad thing was the salt (either is the sugar or the salt... jeez how annoying!) TTOM is approaching with a vengeance so I know my cravings are going to get worsex( . I will try to be strong.

More water - check
sugar - check
salt - my lunch was really salty ugh... tomorrow is another day.

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