no...not now!!!


UUGH!!!! All this wonderful talk of new workouts and I will be out of the workout game for awhile!! My hysterectomy is scheduled for Sept. 22....yeah I finally got brave and just got the thing sceduled. I am looking at a 4-6 recovery time...and it will probably be sometime before I am "back". Oh well, at least that new series will be waiting for me! Take care all, Donna.
I was pregnant when the CTX series came out. The good news is, that when you are able to get into the BodyBlasts they will still seem new when Cathe comes out with another set!

Take care of yourself during your recovery time. This time next year it won't seem like it was all that bad!

Hi Donna,
Here's to your speedy recovery. My offer still stands if you need someone to talk to. I know I did lots of reading while in my recovery. Friends would go to the library for me and bring me books. What I didn't get to read pre-surgery on what to expect, I read afterwards. Lots of excellent books on hysterectomies and what the body goes through afterwards.

To keep your mind in exercise mode, you might could Just, view the videos when they come and really study the moves. That way you will know how and where to modify when it is safe for you to workout again.

Books and videos to make you laugh are very good. Humor helps the body to heal as well.

When you are able to get up and around, please don't overdo. That can put your body in a backset and your recovery will take longer.

Thinking of you and sending you a hug
RE: You aren't alone

Donna I'll be on the sidelines with you. I'm having knee surgery in mid-September. I had a hysterectomy 15 yrs ago. I walked every day. I walked slowly and I didn't walk far but I walked often. The new workouts will be there for us when we're ready. Good luck with your surgery.
Donna, have a speedy recovery! There's always time to work out. Did you order the new series anyway? It will be nice to have it there for when you're ready to go!

I hope that your surgery goes wonderfully,and you recover fast! At least those workouts will be in your hands, safe and sound, and you can use them whenever you are able. Taking care of yourself is most important... and don't feel bad that you can't work out. We're all rooting for you :)

Thanks so much everyone!!! I know if I am a good girl, and do just what the nice doc says I'll be just fine. And I am not going to let this be the time to start snacking like mad if I get bored. Jeeze I just managed to get the 8 or so pounds the darn bc pills put on!! And as far as the new series goes...I only got one tape(the kick, punch one....since I am dying for a new kickbox workout....but now I want them ALL! When will I ever learn?? Part of me seriously looks forward to being the invalid...I need the rest, on the other hand....ooh I look at my biceps and say...."please don't go away...whimper, whimper..." Thanks for all the support and I will be reading the reviews with a GREAT deal of envy!! Take Care all! Hey Wanda....I'm gonna email you with a bunch of questions I keep forgetting to ask the doc! Donna.
RE: You aren't alone

Hey Linda! Misery loves company, right....Let's promise to be good and not overdo before we are supposed to even though that new series is calling to us....Take care, Donna.
Can I join the club????

We can call it the "body blast bedsiders babes". I believe it's going to be more torture to not be able to do the tapes than it is to actually do them (although this could be revised in time, so don't hold me to it). The more pictures I see, the more it hurts. Well, we will just have to have a weekly checkin to keep our spirits up and thanks to Cathe, she will always be there when were ready!!

We'll be prayin for a safe surgery and speedy recovery Donna!!

20/20 did an interesting program on hysterectomy last night. Maybe there is info. on their website. About 90% of the time, they are unneeded and other options will work. The program talked of all the side effects after such drastic surgery, including lack of sexual feeling since nerves are cut. It is not a matter of being brave, it is a matter of being very informed. My friend had the surgery for a noncancerous tumor. She was told the surgery could avoid problems later. She has aged drastically since the surgery, has to take HRT every day...another controversial issue and has gained alot of weight around her middle. IMHO, she should have only had the tumor removed and had frequent checkups.

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