No more weekly check ins for preggos???

Hi there,

Yes, I think we all popped our babies out, but you can start one yourself if you like.
I always enjoyed the check ins and to share my experience with other ladies.

Kristine :)
Yay! Looks like we have a check in!

Although, I have hardly anything to report workout wise so far. But I am so glad to meet so many who are close to where I am! Can't wait to make it to the 2nd trimester!
Yeah! More pregnant ladies. I'm at 24 weeks. So far things have been going very well. I had to back off the excercise over the holidays - I picked up some kind of airplane bug with all the traveling I'd been doing for work and only rest seemed to do anything to get rid of it. I'm feeling better now so I'll start to ease back into it.

Good luck to you all and I look forward to checking in with you over the next few months!!


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