New Workout Covers

Wow, they look amazing!! Is it just me or does Cathe look like she could be Madonna's little sister on the cover of Drill Max? I love the way the green background on Low Impact Circuit makes her green eyes pop out, such a great shot. She looks playful (in a taunting way}( ;-) )pointing at YOU on the BodyMax2 cover. Butts and Guts catches her spirit of making hard work FUN. They did such a great job with the covers, it's so exciting to think that they are just a hint of the stellar workouts that are in them. CAN'T WAIT!!!:)

Take Care
Hey Laurie!
I think the same! Cathe IS the Madonna (but in workout gear:D) LOL

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

The new covers are awesome. I had been resisting ordering the new videos, but once I saw the covers, I just had to place my order.

I love the bright colors of the new covers. I know this is very minor, but I wish they used a picture of Cathe in Butts/Guts with her eyes open.
I think the new covers are great too, except for Butts and Gutts. It's a cute picture, but it just seems like an odd shot for a front cover to me. The other three, on the other hand, are fab. I love the colors in all of them. The one where Cathe is pointing is my favorite.

I know Cathe is 42, or somewhere there about, but I think she looks so cute in those cover pictures. I'm sure that's not the affect she was going for, but to me that's the way I see it. They will definitely be an eye catcher when I go to grab a DVD off the shelf.


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