New Videos while pregnant?


New Member
Hi, I am about 6 weeks pregnant with baby #2. For my first pregnancy I was in great shape and worked out all the time. Since giving birth in April 1999 I have been in a huge slump. I just haven't had the energy (so I'm not in that great of shape). I just received the new videos and did the kickbox/bicep one last night. It is awesome! Now, as I get bigger are these new videos recommended (with modifications) or what do you recommend? Thanks in advance! Sue
No expert here

but I'm 4 mo. preg and plan on doing them when I get them (tomorrow hopefully
). I just take out all jumps, lower my step, and use lighter weights. Although, I may be being extra careful cause I had a miscarriage last year. I didn't think Cathe tapes would be fun with all the power moves grounded, but I was wrong. I stil love 'em!
What a week!

Got my new Cathe Xpress videos and found out I was pregnant - now that's an eventful week! I've been working through the videos and really like the shorter aerobic format (I seem to be tiring much more quickly already!) but need to modify ALOT! My heart rate gets up there really quickly in these new tapes and I need to take out all power moves to keep it in a reasonable range. This makes the circuits/intervals and hi/lo tough. I would love some recommendations on how to modify these portions. Also, I know that you shouldn't do abs on your back after the first trimester, but what about weights? Can I still do bench presses, flies, etc? What if I use an incline bench? Thanks!
Hi NancyM!

Unfortunately, I can't answer your questions, so I will leave that to our expert Sheila, but I just wanted to say "Congratulations to you" on your new pregnancy. Will this be your first? Second? I'm just being nosy. I always love to chat with other mothers or mothers-to-be. I always seem to learn something from them. I have a four year old son and am trying to decide if I'm gonna try for a second. I will be 35 soon, and although I know that is still young, I don't want my kids too spread out in age. So, I am becoming stressed out trying to make this decision. I wasn't able to order the Crosstrain videos due to finances, but I will probably order them in a few weeks. Is the choreography very difficult or easy to learn? Thanks, Lisa
Info. & videos

Thanks for the note, Lisa. This is our first - and I'm about your age, too (34). I don't think it has sunk in yet. After all, we just decided to start trying and voila! Anyway, I think the coreography on the Xpress videos is relatively simple, although my "brain fog" seems to make them more complex. I know it's not just the videos, because lately I've been screwing up videos I've done dozens of times! Must the pregnancy thing! They are intense, though, especially since I seem to get winded more quickly and I'm trying to keep my heart rate down. I really like the All Step one and the Kickboxing one best so far, but then those are my two favorite activities. I'm not a fan of hi/lo and I can't do circuits at capacity right now, so maybe I'll like those tapes more afterwards. Still, I like that they give you cardio and weights in a shorter format!
Your back

I believe you're supposed to do bench presses and stuff at an incline. Not flat on your back at all.

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