
I'm totally excited about these as I think I'm coming soon to some extra spending cash. These if done in time would be perfect in my third trimester and beginning rehab! I'm totally excited - can you tell :7
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I too was thinking that they looked perfect! I really really hope they are done soon. I have been getting very fatigued lately with even some of the less advanced, modified workouts. Like today, I did a Step Blast premix with the SJP weights and I was completely exhausted afterwards and I used nothing but the 4-inch step--no risers!! I mean, I was tired for the rest of the day. So I would welcome a few less challenging workouts for my collection, esp for post baby. I was thinking about getting basic step and the body fusion dvds but now I want to wait and combine S & H.
I agree, I think they'll be great for the third trimester and post baby. Hopefully, we can get our little hands on them soon.}( I still want to get Basic Step/Body Fusion but haven't got around to it yet-I'm just being cheap. Hopefully, one of these days I'll break down because modifying is getting harder by the day:(

Monica, I know what you mean about one workout knocking you on your butt for a day. Last week I tried ME and decided not lighten up as much on the weights as I should have. I definitely learned my lesson there.;(
The presale is going on now. I saw it yesterday on Cathe's homepage. I'm seriously considering buying these myself. I'll need the easier workouts to try to work back up to Cathe's advance level again once this little one comes.
I was thinking the exact same thing! I am not working out at all during the pregnancy-besides walking- and know I could not go right back to Cathe afterwards but these (along with the High Step stuff from a bit ago) will be perfect.
I keep telling myself that I don't need them and I won't buy them but the more I think of it, I'm starting to get pooped with my reg workouts. I think I may get them - or not - I just don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are planning to try for baby #3 this fall (I have two toddlers now), and am researching beg level step workouts to do during my next pregnancy.

I wondered if anyone knows if the weight training that is part of the beg/int level Cathe dvd's is safe to do during the pregnancy? I'm new to Cathe and am curious:)

The new dvd's do look awesome, I'm thinking I'll purchase Basic Step and Body Fusion and also the new beg step dvd.

Good luck to you all with your pregnancies!
Stacey - many of us are using many of Cathe's weightlifting tapes during pregnancy. I've used Muscle Max, Muscle Endurance, and the Pyramids. I've just lowered my weights as my body told me it was time to go lighter. Also many of us modify moves: upper body moves on an incline, lowering step heights, and such. I would think the newer ones would need even less modifications. I'm just buying some of the int ones so I don't have any personal experiance with them, but know many other moms have been using them. HTH! GL:)
Okay, I finally caved yesterday and ordered these dvds. I swore I wasn't going to, but then Cathe posted the premixes and I gave in. Resistance is futile. I just hope I get them in time to do them in the last few weeks of the pregnancy.

I'm really leaning towards ordering them - probably will this weekend - I too hope I can get some use out of them before I deliver. Of course, I think that they'll be great for post-delivery since I don't think that they will be quite as long as a regular Cathe Workout. And if this baby is anything like my son was, I won't have any spare time.

Not to mention the free shipping on other DVD's - I am getting my friend KM for Christmas and I really want the PH/MIS dvd (I forget the 3rd workout). My birthday is on Monday so I'm hoping my mom or my DH gives me money. I tried getting CTX from my DH but he said no way. ;(
I preordered the step & sculpt one, and just got Basic step from the Ya Yas. I did the 30-minute step w/o from Basic Step and really enjoyed it! I have to admit that I love the other music from Cathe's w/os better (i.e. Buttercup & Tainted Love immediately come to mind), but this w/o felt perfect for my 5-month pregnant body!

I think my only regret on the presale was NOT ordering Muscle Max but oh well, it's not as if I don't have enough OTHER w/os! LOL

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