New "unofficial" Firm Forum

I'm there already, I'll just bump this thread up just in case so others can see it.

Thanks! :-jumpy
Just curious about a few Firm-related thangs:

I noticed several of the posters mentioned getting kicked off the FF in addition to "censorship" issues. Were they kicking off people who posted they didn't like the new tapes or had rotten customer service?

Also, due to posts here I visited the new fitprime site and was surprised at what's new. I haven't Firmed in ages since getting addicted to Cathe, which should explain my next question... Did Anna Benson sell her interest in The Firm and start a new company? And did some of the old leads go with her? Any other juicy details I should know about? ;-) Thanx for easing my curious-as-cat questions in advance!

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