new to this forum and to pregnancy!


Active Member
Hi all!

This is my first time posting here on Cathe's website. I'm usually over at the Firm forum. I have just found out that I'm pregnant and my due date is April 19 - anyone out here due in april? Anyone pregnant for the first time and as nervous as I am?

Congratulations! Yes, first time for me, too, and I've been a nervous wreck (off and on :)) since we found out. I *think* I'm due on/around April 12th, based on an ovulation date of July 21st, so I'm about a week ahead of you. My first doctor's appt. is on August 28th--I can't wait! I'm sure we'll have much to chat about over the next 30-something weeks! In the meantime, remember the power of positive thinking...

Best, Gina

wow - you were able to get an appointment much sooner than I was! My first appointment is September 21st. I was able to have my doc call in prenatal vitamins for me though, once I found out. My husband is still in some sort of shock - doesn't really trust the pregnancy test (even tho they say it's 99% accurate!) and wants to wait and see what the doctor says before he really believes it!

I'm having pretty much no symptoms yet, save missing my period. I don't even really "feel" pregnant yet. Do you? What symptoms are you experiencing so far? Are you currently working out and, if so, are you continuing to work out as hard as you were before you found out?

There's a great site - - where you can type in the date of your last period and it will calculate when your due date is - that's how I came up with April 19th. Other good sites are and

I just realized that I probably shouldn't have responded to my own message hoping you would read this. I probably should have just written this directed to you in the subject line! Doh! Anyway, I hope you read this...

Let's keep in touch!

Hi Amanda! Congratulations and welcome. I'm so excited for you. I just found out that I am pregnant too with a due date of April 24th. This is my second child so I am not really nervous this time but I can surely relate to how you feel when I think back to being pregnant with my first. We'll be here to support you and try to offer the best advice possible to any questions you may have. Take Care!
<<My husband is still in some sort of shock - doesn't really trust the pregnancy test (even tho they say it's 99% accurate!) and wants to wait and see what the doctor says before he really believes it!

Hi Amanda! When I went for my first prenatal, I asked the doctor, "ok, so my test came out positive, right?" and he said, "What test?" and he's looking through my chart, etc. And I said, "my pregnancy test; you did do one on my urine sample, right?" And he said, "No. Did you take one at home? If it was positive, then you're pregnant. Our tests are the exact same thing."

I know, I didn't really believe it either, until I heard the heartbeat. If your test came back positive, you are probably pregnant! If you are unsure, why not take another? :)

Good luck!

Michelle in So Cal
Funny you should mention symptoms ;-) Since the last time I posted things have been getting wacky. I've stopped praising myself for not having any nausea as it hit me over the weekend. Uggh. I'm not throwing up or anything, but feel really blah first thing in the morning and again in the early evening usually through bed time.

What I notice is that as soon as I get the slightest bit hungry I feel awful. Pre-pregnancy, low blood sugar for me meant that I got a bit cranky. This past week I've been carrying a little brown baggie with peaches, dried cereal, etc. to snack a bit every hour or so to curb that lovely barfy feeling.

The other thing is food aversions--such a weird thing for me since I eat like a horse normally! The strangest thing has been my inability to even look at a tomato. I covet tomatoes in August and September and my four plants are brimming with some real beauties, yet just glancing at them in the bowl on the couter makes my stomach turn in a foul way. I've also been craving chocolate milk and Thanksgiving food! So yes, I'm definitely starting to feel pregnant in that I feel like my body has been invaded by a foreign creature!

Oh, and you are DEFINITELY pregnant. I did two tests and still was unsure--though the no period thing is kind of a sure sign ;-)
I had my first appt. today--with the midwife (there are both obs and midwives in this med. practice) and it was great, though she didn't want to do an ultrasound just yet so I'm going back on the 20th. She did said that I had all the signs of a healthy pregnancy which thrilled me to no end. I'll be even more thrilled when I hear (or see) that little heartsie beating!

And yes, let's definitely keep in touch--Renae is also very close to us in terms of due dates, I think...

Gina (due 4/12/02) :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-01 AT 07:22AM (Est)[/font][p]Congratulations Amanda!

I just found out that I am pregnant with my second child due May 5 and I am almost as nervous at this stage as I was the first time. I don't remember feeling some of the cramping and twinges the first time around. My husband convinced me that he remembered them.
My first sonogram and doctor's appointment is on September the 17. I am also a little anxious this time because I was on bed rest for 9 weeks last time around and my daughter was born only 3.5 weeks early due to a uterus abnormality. Don't mean to scare you. She is doing just fine now though.

Talk to you later.


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