New to stepping. Which one should I buy?


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-03 AT 05:12PM (Est)[/font][p]I've never done stepping nor any Cathe videos before. I know I'm asking for trouble by starting off with the Intesity Series but those are the most appealing to me.

I've previewed clips from her past workouts and she uses several types of steps. I see small ones, long ones, black ones, and multicolored ones. I do recognize that most, if not all, of the steps used by Cathe are manufactured by The Step. I'm on a limited budget though and can only buy one step. Which one would you recommend? I would like a step that I can grow with. I don't want to replace it in a couple years.

The one that I have my eye on the most is this one:

What do you think?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-03 AT 05:53PM (Est)[/font][p] Kathy,

I'm just starting to get into step also. I just ordered a step, which will be here in about 3 weeks because it is on back order. Although I haven't started yet, I've done some research on the subject.

My understanding is that you would be making a mistake getting the step in your link. I believe that step is not as versatile as the original club step. Either of the two steps can be used as a weight training bench, but only the original club step gives you the most often used step workout heights of 4", 6" and 8". The one you are looking at gives you 5.5", 10.5" and 15.5", which would not make sense for the vast majority of step workouts on the market. You can always make the original step higher by purchasing extra risers.

Although I have not seen every Cathe workout, I don't believe she has a single step workout in which she uses the one you are looking at. Rather, she uses it only in the strength training workouts, such as Slow & Heavy AS A BENCH ONLY!!

The step you need is the one I ordered, which is available in many places. Mine is backordered because I want the black color. If you want the teal colored one there is no wait. Here is one of several links:

This is where I bought mine from. I think $65 is a great price, and their service is excellent. I don't think you can find it for much less, but go ahead and try if you want to because there are plenty of other places that sell it.

I know this is a long post, but, particularly if you are on a budget, I really don't want to see you make a mistake you will regret!!

I agree with Nancy. The black step is only used as a weight bench or stool for seated weight work. For cardio, Nancy's link is the correct step, which can then also be used for weight work. You can make it taller if you like by buying extra risers, but 8" is really all you need for the basics.
Thanks for your long reply. I sent the link you included to my coworker who scavenges swap meets all the time and resells his finds on ebay. He told me that once in awhile he'll see the exact step in your picture for ~$20 and agreed it give it to me for that price.

I was a little taken with the other step because I was looking more into Cathe's strength training workouts. S&H, PowerHour, and the Intensity Series interest me the most. I plan to do most of my cardio on an elliptical machine since it's easy on the knees and joints. Now that I know extra risers are easily accesible, I'll be purchasing the original STEP.

Thanks again!
just purchased the step you recommended after procrastinating too long. now, which step dvd(s) should i start with?
Hi Endorphaddict,

Are you saying you're new to step aerobics and you're looking for a beginner workout? Me too.

I haven't started yet, but, after researching the topic, I've decided NOT to start with a Cathe step workout. I'd rather start too easy and be impressed with my performance, which for me is good psychology. Plenty of time to build up to Cathe later!

I did most of my research on Video Fitness, which has great reviews of workout videos. I highly recommend it.

For me, the best choice seemed to be The Ultimate Step Workout by Keli Roberts because the choreography is said to be simple (important for me!) and people just love it! I also traded on VF for a Kathy Smith workout for the same reasons. These workouts only come in VHS and are a very low-priced investment, so I don't care if I outgrow them quickly (I wish!). I'd be happy to be trading them on the VF exchange next month for IMAX!! Yeah, sure. ;-)


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