New to Cathe and need some input.


Active Member
Hi! I have been lurking on this board for about a month now. I recently purchased the Body Blast Series minus Timesaver and have been working out to this for the past two weeks and thoroughly love it, especially KPC. This past week I ordered the CTX series and the Intensity Series and they should be here this week. I have around 30 pounds to get off and want them off NOW! I do know eating is the most important thing to lose weight and I have been eating clean for the past week now. I have been reading a lot about the CTX series with people having success losing weight doing this rotation. What I need to know from all of you experts out there is should I stick with doing a rotation of the CTX series for 8 weeks or should I combined Body Blast and the Intensity Series in a rotation. I have about an hour to work out every day until school lets out for the summer and then I should have more time on my hands. I am very committed to exercise and I will lose all of this weight. I will be turning 40 in September and I would like to be in the best shape of my life. Any advice is welcome.

Hi! I have been lurking on this board for about a month now. I recently purchased the Body Blast Series minus Timesaver and have been working out to this for the past two weeks and thoroughly love it, especially KPC. This past week I ordered the CTX series and the Intensity Series and they should be here this week. I have around 30 pounds to get off and want them off NOW! I do know eating is the most important thing to lose weight and I have been eating clean for the past week now. I have been reading a lot about the CTX series with people having success losing weight doing this rotation. What I need to know from all of you experts out there is should I stick with doing a rotation of the CTX series for 8 weeks or should I combined Body Blast and the Intensity Series in a rotation. I have about an hour to work out every day until school lets out for the summer and then I should have more time on my hands. I am very committed to exercise and I will lose all of this weight. I will be turning 40 in September and I would like to be in the best shape of my life. Any advice is welcome.

Hi Anne, welcome to the forum. How you use CTX depends on what you're aiming for.

The CTX series was designed for folks short on time, which is why the workouts have a shorter cardio session and focus on only one body part per day. There are many ladies here who've lost weight by using CTX alone.

I've never used CTX as is, and it was the last series I added to my collection. I actually pre-ordered Body Blast before I decided I wanted CTX, but only because I felt I needed more variety to my workouts. Since my main goal is strength and shaping, I use Cathe's strength and endurance workouts more than her cardio or circuit workouts, although there are months when I do more circuit training than strength. I insert Leaner Legs and CTX-UB split regularly in my rotations. When I want something different I mix and match segments. For example, Power Circuits and the first half of Leaner Legs when I want a different lower body workout.

Since you want to lose weight, you might want to try using CTX for a month and see how it goes. I suggest putting in more strength training into your rotations after that first month as the more muscle you have in your body, the more fuel your body burns during the day even while at rest. Also, vary your routines. Change them every month or two to keep your workouts efficient. Your body will tell you when you need that change. Good luck.

Hi Anne, welcome to the forum. How you use CTX depends on what you're aiming for.

The CTX series was designed for folks short on time, which is why the workouts have a shorter cardio session and focus on only one body part per day. There are many ladies here who've lost weight by using CTX alone.

I've never used CTX as is, and it was the last series I added to my collection. I actually pre-ordered Body Blast before I decided I wanted CTX, but only because I felt I needed more variety to my workouts. Since my main goal is strength and shaping, I use Cathe's strength and endurance workouts more than her cardio or circuit workouts, although there are months when I do more circuit training than strength. I insert Leaner Legs and CTX-UB split regularly in my rotations. When I want something different I mix and match segments. For example, Power Circuits and the first half of Leaner Legs when I want a different lower body workout.

Since you want to lose weight, you might want to try using CTX for a month and see how it goes. I suggest putting in more strength training into your rotations after that first month as the more muscle you have in your body, the more fuel your body burns during the day even while at rest. Also, vary your routines. Change them every month or two to keep your workouts efficient. Your body will tell you when you need that change. Good luck.

Hi Anne,

I just finished my first week of using the CTX tapes. I have the dvd.
I love the work outs and have gotten a lot of good advice from some of the Cathe group here. They are shorter but intense. I did power circuit yesterday and it was great, but I love them all. I will try this rotation for 8 weeks and then try a new rotation. I never thought I would like rotations, but I find I am more focused when I have my work outs planned in advance which work out I will do.

I would love to try a body blast rotation when I am through with the ctx, I love all those work outs too.

Good luck to you, and which ever rotation you decide to do , you can't go wrong if it is a Cathe tape.

Have a great Sunday.:)

Hi Anne,

I just finished my first week of using the CTX tapes. I have the dvd.
I love the work outs and have gotten a lot of good advice from some of the Cathe group here. They are shorter but intense. I did power circuit yesterday and it was great, but I love them all. I will try this rotation for 8 weeks and then try a new rotation. I never thought I would like rotations, but I find I am more focused when I have my work outs planned in advance which work out I will do.

I would love to try a body blast rotation when I am through with the ctx, I love all those work outs too.

Good luck to you, and which ever rotation you decide to do , you can't go wrong if it is a Cathe tape.

Have a great Sunday.:)


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