New pics of Joey...


If anyone is interested, I just put another 5-6 pics of Joey in my picture trail. First album on the top of the list! :)
OMG Wendy!!! he just gets cuter and cuter. i love the ones of him and Clyde. His smile is so adorable. Is he happy ALL the time?!

Jes took the words right out of my mouth!! He couldn't be any cuter:+
and I absolutely love the pictures of Joey with Clyde. What a sweet pookie! I really like the ones with your DH too. Everybody just looks so freakin happy!

OMG that smile could melt a thousand hearts LOL


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Oh, Wendy! I can't believe those dimples! I think he must be the cutest, happiest baby I've ever seen!! What an absolute charmer!!! You've got such a great little family!

>Goodness, Wendy! Is that boy ever NOT smiling? What a
>gorgeous little guy:)

Shelley, Shelley, silly girl...why would I post pics of Joey if he's NOT smiling!? ;)

For all you and the rest of these lovely ladies know, he could smile very little but since I only post his HAPPY pics, everyone thinks he hangs around with a permanent GRIN on his face! :p
Wendy he is such a little ham! I love that great big beautiful smile. What also amazes me is how fast the time has gone by since he was born. Does it seem like that to you?


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