new member needing advice


Hi, everyone! I am a first time poster here and in my 30th week of pregnancy. It's great to see the news that Cathe is pregnant again! I was needing some advice, though. I used to be very much in shape but then fell off the wagon (so to speak) and kind of had an on again off again relationship with exercise. I was off again when I got pregnant, but in these last few months have found that some low key exercising really helps me, especially now that I feel big and uncomfortable a lot. The problem? I only have one pregnancy tape (Kathy Smith's) and it's getting really stale doing the same thing over and over again. My regular workout videos are just too intense for me to even modify since I'm working from a beginner's level. Any advice for a good and light workout video or even some moves? Thanks for your help and congratulations to everyone!

Hi Beth

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your pregnancy!! I can imagine how stale that Kathy Smith tape is getting...I was bored with it from the get-go and haven't done it since. Here are a few tapes that I would personally recommend for a beginner level at this stage of your pregnancy. Keep in mind that a brisk walk in the fresh air will do wonders too in case you don't want to purchase new vids. But, keep in mind that these tapes will also be perfect for your post delivery comeback, so they may be worth the investment.

Your Personal Best by Karen Voight and Elle MacPherson
Strong and Smooth Moves by Karen Voight
Firm Basics Fat Burning with Jen Carman
Firm Basics Abs, Buns and Thighs with Stacey Millner-Collins
Fat Blaster by the Firm
Prime Power Lower Body with Kim Bartlett
Prime Power Total Body with Stacey Millner-Collins

Also, the Firm's Tortoise and Hare Crosstrainers with Tracie Long are two tapes that you can use on alternate days (one emphasizes more cardio, the other - weights) This set may be a little more advanced than the others...just use lighter or no weights and it will work fine.

Please remember that these tapes will still need a little modification here and there. I assume you already know not to lie flat on your back for any exercises (you'll have to modify those sections) and how to avoid stress on your relaxed joints. Some of the Firm tapes use a 14 inch step for leg presses and that will probably be too much to handle at this point. But you can easily substitute light squats or dips to fill the gaps. And, some of the tapes have a little higher impact thrown in (like jacks and plyos)...but just keep it low and use bigger arm movements to keep your heartrate up.

I hope this is helpful.
RE: Hi Beth

Thank you very much for the help. It never even occurred to me to use some of the lighhter FIRM tapes. This way, I can get some tapes that I'll use later, too. Thanks again!

Hi Beth! Congratulations! I see that you were already given wonderful suggestions (thanks Angela) but I wanted to welcome you to the forum and wish you luck with your pregnancy as well as your new and safely modified exercise program. Keep us posted.

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