New Intensisty Series?


Active Member
I was just wondering if anyone who is expecting has done any of the new workouts? I am 24 weeks pregnant and I pre-ordered the new videos and am anxious to watch them and hopefully use them :)
I would imagine that Imax2 would be out of the question but I am thinking maybe the pyramid workouts would be ok to use with lighter weights. What do you think?
Thank you :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-02 AT 04:34PM (Est)[/font][p]I ordered the dvds so I'm waiting. I'll definitely be trying most if not all of the weight work but I'll have to see with the cardio. The other day I felt so winded I could only do a Buns of Steel step video. I laughed at that video prepregnancy but figured I'd keep it just in case. Well, the jokes on me. It was a challenge to just get through that. Oh well, I hope I was just having a bad day!

I don't think I'll purposefully use light weights. I'll just continue to use whatever challenges me.
Hi Storm2!

I have also order the videos and was hoping I would be able to do some of them for a little while longer myself. I am at 18 weeks.

Previously, I asked Cathe this:

"Do you think a pregnant experienced Cathe fan will be able to do this new series? Perhaps with modifications? Will I have to pause the vcr a lot?"

And she replied:

"I would not recommend the Intensity Series to a pregnant exerciser. It would be too much work figuring out so many modifications. But the series will be there for you to help get back into pre-pregnancy shape after you deliver.
Keep enjoying your pregnancy...its such a short time of your life to perform such a huge miracle"

Hi - I read somewhere on else on this forum that Cathe does not recommend using the new tapes during pregnancy. I have mine and am dying to try them but I guess I'll wait. She said it'd be a great post pregnancy work out to get back in shape.
Thanks everyone for your replies I received my intensity videos a couple of weeks ago and I have tried Cardio & Weights, Muscle Endurance, and the two pyramid tapes. So far they seem to be ok for me to do with modifications. I don't do the ab work or the stability ball work. I use a 6" inch step instead of 8" for Cardio & Weights and I have just lightened my weights for the others. I have previewed Bootcamp and Imax 2 and I will definitely be waiting until after delivery to try those. They look tough!!

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