New here to this forum.. Looks like fun too!


Hi there I am new here and am an avid Cathe fan. Have contributed Reviews on her videos to a couple of sites.
I have questions.It seems that OT stuff is ok, am I correct? It is allowed to talk about more than fitness here?
And what video workouts are you all doing?
and Lastly
How is Cathe doing pregnancy wise??
Welcome, Stevie!

Hi Stevie!

Welcome to Cathe's forum! How long have you been doing Cathe's videos? Aren't they terrific?!

In answer to some of your questions: yes, you are allowed to discuss pretty much whatever you want on this forum. We get really far off the topic of exercise sometimes!

As far as what video workouts some people are doing, check out the "Check In" thread on this Open Discussion forum. Everyone who wants to check-in for the week lists their workouts and talks about their week (there's that off-topic stuff again

Cathe's pregnancy?? Go to the Fit Mom's forum here and check out Cathe's pregnancy update. She posts every two weeks or so to keep us updated on her "progress". Sounds like she's doing great!

Now a question for said you'd contributed reviews of her videos on a couple of other sites. What are the sites? I'm always interested in finding good fitness related websites. Thanks, and again Welcome!

Bev K.
Back to you Jabakk

thanks Bev for the warm welcome.
I will definitely be checking in here. The usual places I post aren't as into fitness as I am.
While I love off topic stuff, I also like the motivation of speaking with others who are into home video fitness and going to gyms.

I have reviewed and interviewed Cathe for the Beauty Buzz website in the past two years. I have done 18 editions there of exercise video reviews. I am no longer part of the group since working for a production company and the company has spun off an online magazine that covers beauty, health, fashion and fitness and more. Thus I will be doing fitness video reviews there and also interviews. That web site URL is
and Cathe's videos will be reviewed there too.

I will definitely be checking the FitMom forum. When I interviewed Cathe( she was the first fitness pro I interviewed for Beauty buzz) we talked about having children. I waited a long time to have a child and she is now 8. It was an interesting conversation about how life is pre and post delivery.

It is interesting that I only got into really being fit and home exercise AFTER I had the baby and she was about 3 when I started working out in earnest. So for me it is a really important aspect of my life. I get up at 5:00 AM every morning to do the work I want to do.
Then jump in the shower.
It's a great way to crank up the day.
hope to talk to you again soon
thanks for being so friendly.
Hi Stevie!

We have a few things in common. . . I also waited for many years before having a child (although NOT voluntarily!), and my oldest is now 8. I also did not get into fitness much until AFTER I had kids. Interesting. I think before I had kids I had that feeling that my body would never change. . . After you live through a pregnancy you start to get a little more paranoid, I think! Anyway, just wanted to welcome you and comment on the similarities. I think after I post this I'll go back and click on your link and see what you're up to! -susan p
Hey Stevie!!

I LOVED the interview with Petra Kolber! Step Rhythm and Moves is a moderate day fave of mine. I had no idea that she was so drop-dead gorgeous! Those photos really showed a different side of her. I also read all your reviews. Fun site! Oh, and I read your bio too. . . weren't you a little cutie?!! Loved that hat! -susan p
Hey Susan

Thanks so much for the nice comments.
The interview with Petra Kolber was so much fun. Part II is coming and this current intereview is just one of a series that I have: Gin Miller, Janis Saffell, Kari Anderson and a bunch of others. My very first one I did was on Cathe and I would love to update it now that she is going to have a baby.
I think a lot of people would identify with that and the post partum situation.

thanks for the comment on the bio pix.. since we are all different ages groups--it was easier to use baby pictures than have everybody together to come out to the studio for shots. Most of the writers are spread across the country, so that is a bit tough to get them to come to Calif.

I love this message board. People are very nice here and so interested in talking about fitness
Stevie, I enjoyed those reviews!

Thanks for the link! After reading some of those reviews I think I may have to order a couple of new tapes!!

Bev K.
really???? thanks so very much. wow!!

I am really pleased that you did. I will be doing a huge series on Cathe. I split hers up before, but it is really good to see hers all in comparison together. Then you can make your wish list from step n motion or collage at one time.

But I really like this site. Friendly, fun, warm people and you can answer MY questions too.
Like what to do when you just don't feel like working out but you want to need to.
all that kind of stuff
Hi Stevie!

Welcome! I had read your reviews and interviews before at beautybuzz from a link I found here on Cathe's site.
I really like your new site and I love reading your reviews and interviews!

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