New here and have a few questions


New Member
Hi to everyone!! My DH and I have been trying to get pregnant for 2 months. Since this past Sunday I've had bouts of nausea and for the past few days I've had slight back and pelvic pain like I usually do before I start my period. I was supposed to start my period today, but I didn't and for some reason I decided to take a pregnancy test. Well its ++++++++++ (our first baby)!! I had heard that the tests would work after only one day of being late, but I'm not even late yet!!

I'm a little concerned about the pelvic pain. Have any of you experienced crampy twinges of pain at the VERY beginning of your pregnancy?

I am also concerned because although I've worked out regulary for many years, I've taken the past 4 months off and ate like a crazy person. Needless to say I'm now at my all time heaviest, and hate the thought of gaining any more weight. I did start working out again right after Christmas and cut all of the refined sugar out of my diet. I am feeling pretty good now except for the crampy pain twinges and slight nausea.

I'd appreciate any info or advice.

Congratulations!!!! When are you due?
I too experienced exactly what you described in the early part of my pregnancy. This is my 4th and I can remember feeling crampy and having lower back discomfort right before I was expecting my period. I was always surprised when the pregnancy tests came up positive. So I think it is completely normal what you are feeling. As far as pregnancy tests they all vary as to their sensitivity. Some do not take alot of HCG amounts to produce a positive result and others require a lot more.
I know how you feel about gaining weight but just remember that if you eat healthy and exercise regularly, most of the weight you gain will be for and from the baby. I hate seeing the scale go up every month but then I remind myself that it's for the baby and that I can work on losing it afterwards.
Good luck :)
I've known other women who have had that same crampy feeling very early in their pregnancies... try not to worry...

As for the weight thing, all I can say is that you should just do your best to eat well and exercise and not worry about the numbers on the scale. The weight will come off... but now is not the time to think about that since you are growing a whole new human being in your tummy :0)

I have an article in this month's Pregnancy Magazine called "Image of a Mother" that I think would be good for you right now... I wrote about how exercise can help you with your pregnant body image... and to lose the weight after pregnancy.

BTW, I lost 43 lbs. of pregnancy weight in 4 mos. after my first son was born... and I lost 38 lbs. of pgcy. weight in 3 mos. after my 2nd... no dieting. Just consistent exercise and nursing. Just like at any other time, you just have to make time for yourself and make your health a priority.

Congratulations! :)
Susan Hyde
Healthy Moms (R) Certified Perinatal Fitness Instructor & Pregancy Magazine Contributor
Hi Michelle,

I also had cramps in the very beginning of my pregnancy. And even later on into the secomd trimester. In fact there were a few times when they'd last 15 minutes or so and felt sort of sharp, at least enough to make me stop and think "Is everything ok?" And everything was ok, so try not to worry. I'd call the doctor if they last several hours, are very painful, and are accompanied my bleeding. Well anytime there is bleeding, call the doc!

As for weight gain, I also worried/worry about this. (I am at 20 weeks, 1st preg.) And as I just mentioned in another post, found the first trimester to be a difficult time to eat optimally. Not so much in the very beginning, but by about week 6 or so, I could not look at meat or vegetables! So try not to be too hard on yourself if you eat more carbs than anything else. By the second trimester, you will be able to control your diet better.

Good luck!
I want to thank all of you for the info and suggestions!! I have a friend of mine that works at a doctor's office that brought me one of the tests from the office yesterday and it was positive also!!! I'm still having some discomfort, but I think it might be because I'm not drinking enough water. My friend also did a urine dip to test for a UTI and it was negative except that I'm dehydrated. I have a very long history of UTI problems and I do think the pain is similar to the pain that I have before I get one. So, I'm making an effort to drink more water (I do great while I'm at work, but not so good on the weekends), and I'll call my doctor tomorrow. I'll keep you updated.

Thanks again,
Hi there!

I'm in week 11 (new at this whole pregnant thing, too), and I am STILL having regular cramps. They're like my menstrual cramps, but a tad more severe and much less regular.

I've had no spotting or bleeding at all, and my doctor says they're completely normal throughout the first trimester.

Congratulations! I'm so happy you were able to conceive so quickly. Have a great time with it.
Thanks for the infomation Aspen. I called my doctor today and he ordered a Beta Blood test and should have the results tomorrow. When I talked to the nurse she said that the pain may be normal for me. I'm not spotting or bleeding and the pain is not all that severe nor regular. I notice it more after I've been on my feet for a while. I'll keep you all updated!

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