Need Some Ideas ladies/men


As you all know I have been sick.As of now everything i eat is making me sick.
Well they are cutting me next Wednesday. Laproscopic Gall Bladder Surgery. I am petrified and anxious.I am still hurting.I have read all the things that can go wrong which is silly,BUT...........

I plan on mostly the recumberant bike and treadmill(hopefully)

I hate to go 2 weeks with no weight training. I have worked so long to build.I am not going to be allowed to lift more than 20 lbs for 2 weeks.
The surgeon didn't answer me when i asked!!!!He ignored me.He was reccomended from Nurses or i would head elsewhere.

Any exercise recomendations for lighter weights and easy on the abs.
I definetly won't be able to do pull overs and ab work.
It will probably feel like i am not doing anything, but I have to do something .......
This is addicting isn't it???

Oh, if you ever get this .
Go directly to the ER and get it done the next day.This is miserable. The pain takes your breath away and can buckle you over.
I may just quit eating here. I may loose the last 18 lbs.
But anyways
IDEAS pleassssse.
I know how smart you people are...
I know it's frustrating, but 2 weeks is really nothing. You'll get your strength gains back really quickly. And, if you're not eating now anyway, you probably don't have your full strength now. Let yourself heal and then gradually come back. You'll be surprised at how quickly you are back to normal.

Good luck!

I had mine out about 3 years ago. Mine went very well. Vicadin for the rest of the day, but no major pain. Driving my car 2 days later. Any pain you have will be sooooo much better than the gall bladder attacks. When I had the attacks, I thought I was having a heart attack, they hurt so much, I'd break out in a sweat and just moan.

I was back to riding my bike, did a 46 mile bike ride in a week's time and back to riding my horse in 2 weeks. I remember the stitch at my belly button being the worst. I was okay bent over on the bike, but actually walking straight up bothered it more.

Try not to worry, I know your surgery will go well. You will do fine.

Hi Anne...
I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope you feel better soon and have a very quick recovery.
good luck on your surgery. You will have to see how things go, and how your stitches feel. I have had two abdominal surgeries with stitches. The first a cesarean and there was of course, no way I could have lifted weights for awhile. I felt those stitches for a year.
The second a tubal ligation with just a few small stitches at the belly button. I probably could have done most anything a week or two later.
Just chill out and work as you can. If you take a few steps back no big deal. You will then catch up later. Just think of how much better your gonna feel!


I had surgery last fall. I was unable to do cardio for 3 weeks and unable to lift weights for 6 weeks. The time just flew by and I didn't loose too much fitness. It's amazing the memory muscle has, it took no time to be lifting what I was before the surgery.

I say don't sweat it. Do what your MD allows but nothing more. Also, don't eat ANYTHING bad while you are recuperating. This will help you from eating extra calories and will fuel your body with the nutrition you need to get better.

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