need ideas for super lg wall calendar/teen room


I am trying to find ideas for making a wall in my DD room into a super sized 2 month calendar. My idea is for the numbers to be removable so as the months change we can move the numbers to the correct placement. It day needs to be quite large so entry space is generous. It could utilize sticky notes although I hope to find something neater appearing. It needs to be attractive. I thought about having a decorator paint the wall, but I still have the moving number/days issue. Any ideas? I feel this is the best way for DD to keep organized. Help!
Okay, what are you going to paint with? Will she be writing directly onto the wall? Here's my suggestion. Use blackboard paint and paint a big square on your wall. Then divide it up into the calendar days using another colour of paint. Either using paint or some kind of attachable letters, put the days of the week across the top.

You can get peelable wall sticker material at craft shops and you may even be able to find numbers. If not, you could cut them out of the peelable stuff yourself. That way she can set up the calendar at the beginning of each month and just move the numbers the next month. And she can write directly onto the wall because it will be a blackboard, and it's easily erasable at the end of the month!

I suggest if you're doing that, to install some kind of molding across the bottom to act as a trough for the chalk and also to catch the chalk dust.

Oh, duh.... if you're using blackboard paint, she can just write the numbers on in another colour of chalk:p

I made a beautiful chalkboard for my DD in her bedroom using that paint and it's really easy to use.
I'm thrilled to hear someone has tried this and was happy with the results! I didn't think to add the ledge to catch chalk dust. Thanks for the suggestion. That and your idea to paint it all one color and then just section it off is Much Much easier than Marthas taping off and doing each day a different shade. That would be very labor intensive. Thanks for the great ideas!
Thanks! I think so too, but I'm her mom, so I have to. Good luck with the project and I'd love to see pics when you're done!
Blackboard paint is a good idea. I also saw on the TV that they make dry erase paint now, too. Like a dry erase board. Never used it, though. Looked cool.
HMM, have to look into dry erase paint. I suppose the finish would be glossy. That would make any errors very apparent I would think. Maybe chalkboard paint is more forgiving. Maybe someone here has tried the dry erase paint and can tell us about it.
Haven't tried the dry erase paint, but the other thing you can do is a layer of the magnetic paint under the blackboard paint, which would then enable your DD to use magnets to hang things on the wall as well!

I'm all excited about this idea and can't wait for my DD to get older so I can do it on her wall!:p
Another rgeat idea. Would this really work? I didn't know they made magnetic paint! Bet it's expensive....
Yup, it really works and I don't think it's that expensive. Probably runs around the same as the blackboard paint.
What about using bulletin board tiles. You can cover an entire wall, floor to ceiling with them. We were going to do this in my daughters room by my dh got all huffy with the idea of using the sticky tabs to put it up with, so we went an bought the biggest board we could find, 5X5. She has a blast decorating it and keeping her schedule organized.

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