Myoplex Light Users


I switched to Myoplex light about two weeks ago and have a question for those that use it.

I bought vanilla cream and mixed it with juice. It came out very watery :( BF uses Myoplex Deluxe and his comes out very thick and creamy (with the same kind and amount of juice). Then I bought a variety pack of banana cream pie, orange deluxe, pina colada and mango pineapple. I made the banana, orange and pina and they were all very thick (with either juice or milk).

Is it just the vanilla cream that is watery? Can it really have something to do with the flavors?

That is so funny that you would ask this, I was just going through old posts to find out some info too. I just bought the myoplex light yesterday in the chocolate lovers and the neo box with chocolate, vanilla, & strawberry to try. When I bought them the guy at the store told me to be sure I use a blender and not a shaker. Do you use a blender? He implied that they would be runny if not.
I think it probably depends on the flavor. I've had varied luck using Myoplex Lite. My experience: if you want a thicker shake, try using less water than recommended, and then if it is too thick you always can add more.

I now use Myoplex Deluxe but I only use half a packet (about a half-cup) at a time. It always mixes up nice and creamy and I get double the servings!
Doh! Shoulda waited a second till I posted the above message, LOL. Anyway, I always use a stick blender -- the kind you put right in the cup -- when I make my shakes now. It adds a lot more volume to the drink.
Do you use a blender?

Yes, I do use a blender and I let it run for a bit. BF told me that his don't get thick unless bhe blends them for long enough. When I first made the vanilla, I blended and then blended again and then even added ice. No dice. It was like water. The other flavors thickened up after baout 45 seconds.

Can you please let me know how you like the flavors when you try them!? I highly recommend the banana, pina, orange ones and will try the mango pineapple this weekend. They come together in a package of twenty (5 each). I want to try the choclate pack too!

I will make sure that I let it run for awhile when I make one later then, thanks! Maybe there will be more suggestions. First day trying them so I imagine I will learn from my mistakes. I just hope the mistakes don't taste too bad!LOL!

I thought I would get a variety to try to start with and see what I like and don't like. I will have to get the banana, pina, orange, and mango one next week. I will let you know how the chocolate ones taste as soon as I try them. Did you see that they have cookies and cream too? It is in only the 42 pack right now though. The guy at the stor told me I could bring them back if I don't like them though. I just hate to do that.

Just finished mixing up the Dark Chocolate and it is pretty tasty!! I love chocolate! I only put in 8 ounces of water instead of the 10-12 they suggested. It is thick. I wish it was a little colder though. Any suggestions? I used cold water too. I thought about trying it with milk but didn't since I haven't tried water yet. Let you know about the others when I try them.:9
You could try to add a tiny but more water and a couple of ice cubes. The ice cubes will thicken it too so you will probably need more water. I typically add some kind of frozen fruit (bananas, strawberries, oranges, etc) so mine are usually cold. To chocolate though, I would only add bananas or ice.

I am a GNC Gold Card Member and save 20% at the beginning of the month. I might run out and grab these chocolate ones b/c I LOVE chocolate ;) I bet they are yummy when made with milk too!
That is where I got mine at yesterday. I had to renew my card so I got the 20% off plus they were on sale. The 20 pack of chocolate lovers cost me only $30. I don't know if this is good or bad at other places though. I know the regular price was $49.99. I will have to experiment some to see what I like. For a first one it is pretty tasty though!!:9 :9
I wonder if it's just the difference in composition between regular Myoplex and the Lite. There is about 100 calories differnece between the two. My DH used to use the regular Myoplex packets and his shakes were very thick. If I use the Lite vanilla with water only, it is very thin. So, I usually use about 5oz water and 5oz milk, with a few ice cubes and half a banana. Very Yummy! It's not super thick, but to me it's just right. And a blender makes all the difference.

I had no idea there were so many flavors out there! I may have to go back to Vitamin Shoppe and investigate. Are there any that are not too good?

:) Nicole
>I had no idea there were so many flavors out there! I may
>have to go back to Vitamin Shoppe and investigate. Are there
>any that are not too good?


The only flavor that I didn't like so far was the Vanilla and I didn't like it mostly b/c of the consistency (rather than the actual flavor). The others were very good!

I've use the light and never had a problem, except when I didn't use my stick blender. I just stick it in and go. But I pour a little of the powder, then a little 1% milk, then more powder. I like the vanilla as that way I can make it come out the way I want, If I want orange, I can add the orange, Banana and so forth. I use frozen fruit like the strawberries in a bag for my strawberry shake. Also, Go to Vitaglo and I just ordered a 20 pack for $23.99. Now that'a buy. shipping still brought it under the $30 range. I am switching to the regular so I can split the bag in half and have two shakes and make it last longer.I heard it was much denser then the light and with my size, there will be enough in there to be right for me.If a man Bill PHilips size can go on one, I sure can use a half.
I use the Myoplex Light Vanilla (my favorite!) and it always thickens up for me. I just use water, about a cup of ice, splenda (I like it a little sweeter) and the Myoplex. Blend of high for about 45 second. I've never had it come out watery. Maybe you got a bad batch....?
I use the chocolate cream because my husband uses the chocolate cream in the Myoplex Original and I really like it. The Lite is definitely more watery than the orginal. I acutally liked the fact that the orginal flavor was so thick and was a little disappointed with the consistency of the Lite. I also like the flavor of the Original better too because the Lite tastes salty to me (it has more sodium). However, I am willing to deal with it because I like saving the extra 100 calories.
I bought the Cappacino flavor in the Lite and took it back it tasted so horrible to me.

>I use the Myoplex Light Vanilla (my favorite!) and it always
>thickens up for me. I just use water, about a cup of ice,
>splenda (I like it a little sweeter) and the Myoplex. Blend
>of high for about 45 second. I've never had it come out
>watery. Maybe you got a bad batch....?

I don't use ice with mine and I bet that is the difference between my shakes and yours. BF uses deluxe and he doesn't need ice to make the shakes thick so I bt that it is the mix too.

So far I am loving the varierty pack that I bought. I plan to pick up the chocolate variety pack this week (GNC discount!) and maybe stick to buying variety packs instead of a whole box of one flavor. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the banana cream pie flavor. Tastes exactly like banana bread mix.

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