My DVD player Broke, I am bummed!!!


Hi everyone,
I am so upset, this morning I was already to do Cathe SJP premix with weights, I went downstairs and my DVD player would acknowledge there was a disc there, so I tried to open the door and get it out. I couldn't reach the disc, so I unplugged the machine and shook it sideways, my disc then slid out with no problem. I put the disc back in there and it kept reading disc error. I tried the disc in another machine and it worked. My DH looked an it and said I probably did something to the laser that reads the disc. So I ended up doing Cristy stepping Zone combo 1 only. Thank god I have video tapes.

I just got home and DH got me a new 5 disc DVD player from best buy but it will be delivered. He is so sweet sometimes even if he can't understand why someone would get up one hour early to exercise. Sorry this is long.

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